Jakarta, MINA – The number of coronavirus cases in Indonesia per Saturday, March 14 increased to 96 cases, 8 of which were healed and 5 died.
“So, there are 27 new cases, all of which we got from the results of massive tracing,” said the government spokesman specifically handling the coronavirus, Achmad Yurianto.
The day before, the number of corona-positive patients in Indonesia recorded 69 cases.
Yuri said that the spread of coronagirus is now increasingly widespread. Areas affected by corona outbreaks include Jakarta, Bandung, Tangerang, Solo, Bali, Manado, Yogyakarta to Pontianak.
The government has also changed the tracking method, by no longer being case based. Yuri said that the government is prioritizing the community so that healthy people do not fall ill.
“For this reason, this task force needs to be formed so that there is synergy between the central government and regional governments, there is no overlapping,” said Yurianto. (T/RE1)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)
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