Langkat, MINA – Imaamul Muslim Yakhshallah Mansur hoped that Muslims could keep the religion of Islam as Allah’s fitrah.
“Allah ordered the Prophet Muhammad and his followers to face him straight to the religion of Allah, Al-Islam, because humans according to their fithrah are Muslims,” said Imaam Yakhshallah at the Tabligh Akbar Jama’ah Muslimin (Hizbullah), Al Fatah Modern Islamic Boarding School Complex, Tanjung Pura, Langkat, North Sumatra, Sunday.
Imaam stressed that human beings are created by Allah in the state of fitrah of Islam which acknowledged the oneness of Allah, he quoted the Ar-Ruum verse 30 and Al-A’raf verse 172.
To keep the nature of being Muslim, believers must practice repentance to Allah, maintain piety, establish prayer and avoid division.
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“Regarding avoiding division, Islam strongly denounces all forms of division, because division is the behavior of idolaters,” he said in a tabligh themed “Islam Rahmatan Lil ‘Alamin, We Keep the Unity of Ummah.”
Imaam Yakhsyallah reminded, division is a deviation from the truth, causing severe torment, causing apart from the responsibility of the Prophet and division can cause destruction.
Other speakers of the occation were Ustaz Khoiruddin, M.Pd, from Langkat Ministry of Religion, Ustadz H. Irfan Yusuf, and Head of the Al-Fatah Ponpes Tanjungpura Abdul Kadir Munir, who is also an alumnus of STAI Al-Fatah Cileungsi, Bogor.
Tabligh Akbar was also enlivened by Islamic World Expo, and various activities to show developments of Muslims in the World. (L/Ast/P2)
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Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)