Jokowi resmikan kapal antar-pulau
Jokowi resmikan kapal antar-pulau

Bangkalan, 9 Muharram 1437/11 November 2015 (MINA) – President Joko Widodo said that the idea to form the Madura province is part of the dynamics of democracy, provided that the establishment meets the minimum requirements such as the number of regencies in Madura.

It usually happens, the president said on the sideline of the inaugural operation of an inter-island ship at Ujung Giring Village, Bangkalan District, here Tuesday.

East Java governor also said he supports any aspirations developed in the community, including the aspiration that Madura becomes a province.

Thousands of people from all walks of life gathered in the village to declare the formation of Madura province, separated from East Java Province. They came from four existing districts in the Salt Island.

“There are several considerations that led us to declare the formation of Madura province,” said Chairman of the Executive Committee for the Declaration, Jimhur Saros.

First, he said, development in Madura Island, in Bangkalan or in three other districts in Madura Island, is like a stepchild in a family.

In addition, Madura Island also has a lot of potential. One of the potential of natural resources is oil and gas.

Jimhur stated, Bangkalan has a very unusual potency in oil and gas, but the Madurese just enjoy a very small portion.

A number of districts in Indonesia also wants to be provinces, by presenting the same reason, namely rich in natural resources, culture and tourism potential. (T/R07/R01)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)