Hamas Disapproves Ilhan’s Remarks on Israeli Aggression on Gaza

Gaza, MINA – Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement in Gaza, Hamas disapproves with the recent statements of US House of Representatives member, Ilhan Omar, in which she equated the resistance of the Palestinian people with the crimes of the Israeli occupation.

Dr. Basem Naim, a member of the movement’s International Relations Office, expressed his disapproval of Mrs. Ilhan Omar’s recent statements in which she equated the victim with the executioner, as she equated the resistance of the Palestinian people and the crimes of the Israeli occupation on one hand, and the American aggression in Afghanistan on the other.

“We appreciate Mrs. Ilhan Omar’s attitude in defending justice and the rights of the oppressed around the world and the rights of our Palestinian people, but we disapprove this unfair equivalence that is contrary to justice and international law”, said Dr. Naim according to MINA’s correspondent in Gaza.

He explained that the Palestinian people have lived under the Israeli occupation for more than seven decades, during which they suffered a lot. The Israeli occupation committed the most heinous crimes against them. Though, Palestinians throughout these decades remained patient and resistant for the sake of freedom and independence.

“Our people under the Israeli occupation have the full right to resist the occupation by all available means, including armed resistance, and here we remember the famous saying of the international activist Nelson Mandela: “It is always the oppressor, not the oppressed, who dictates the form of struggle.” Throughout the past years, and what we are doing now, it is a legitimate and guaranteed right.”

He pointed out that Hamas presented many initiatives, the first of which was By Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the founder of the movement, and the latest of which was the statements of the movement’s leader in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, in which they stressed on the need to avoid civilians during the conflict and wars. However, these initiatives were rejected by the Israeli occupation that proposed at attacking civilians every aggression.

“We look to Mrs. Ilhan Omar, and all the defenders of Palestinian rights, to describe the Palestinian reality correctly and accurately, because this is the most important starting point for the foundations of a just solution to this conflict”, Dr. Naim concluded. (L/MS/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)