For 9th Week, Anti-Netanyahu Demonstrations Continue

Photo: Wafa

Tel Aviv, MINA – Hundreds of thousands of Israelis demonstrated for nine consecutive weeks until Saturday night in Tel Aviv and 20 other locations. They oppose the planned judicial overhaul by Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing government.

As quoted from Wafa, in Tel Aviv, tens of thousands of people participated in Kaplan Street. Protesters waved banners, some of which read, “O police, where did they [settlers] burn Huwara?”, referring to the terrorist pogrom carried out by Israeli settlers last week in the city of Huwara, south of Nablus.

Demonstrators also held banners depicting Israel’s right-wing Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, and behind them a picture of the city of Huwara burning at the hands of settlers. The banner reads in Hebrew which reads, “Yesterday in Huwara…tomorrow in Israel,”.

Meanwhile in Haifa, the number of protesters was much larger than in previous weeks, with nearly 35,000 demonstrators demanding Netanyahu step down. They also waved banners with slogans written in Hebrew, English and Arabic, including: “Palestinian life matters”, “One who occupies another cannot be free”, “It is time to overthrow the dictator”, “A government that is embarrassing”, and “Apartheid didn’t stop at the Green Line.”

In addition, around 12,000 people demonstrated in Netanya, more than 10,000 demonstrated in Herzliya, 3,000 in Beersheba, and thousands in several areas, including Modi’in, Rishon Letzion, Yavne, and Ra’anana.

Netanyahu’s planned judicial reshuffle has drawn fierce opposition from the left, raising concern among business leaders and widening already deep political divisions in Israeli society.

Netanyahu has dismissed the protests as a refusal by left-wing opponents to accept the results of the last election which produced one of the far-right governments in Israel’s history. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)