EU Asked to Recognize Palestine State

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Ramallah, MINA – Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh called on European Union countries that have not yet recognized Palestinian state to commit supporting a two-state solution.

According to Wafa news agency on Wednesday, August 7, it was to ease the conflict that occurred in the Middle East, especially between Palestine and Israel.

One way, continued Shtayyeh, is to recognize the Palestinian state with Jerusalem as the capital. That was said by Shtayyeh after a meeting with Dutch Ambassador Kees Van Bar at Palestinian prime minister’s office in Ramallah.

During the meeting, the two sides discussed the latest political developments in Palestine.

On this occasion, Shtayyeh expressed his appreciation for the efforts of the Netherlands and other EU member states in supporting development in Palestine.

Shtayyeh said the systematic destruction of Palestine continued by Israel and the United States Government under President Trump.

Israel and the US, according to him, want to maintain the status quo, including isolation and blockade of the Gaza Strip.

In addition, Israel continues to expand Jewish settlements in the West Bank. Moreover, East Jerusalem has been claimed by Israel as the capital.

“What does the European Union expect from this century’s US agreement that has not been presented or discussed, and which parts have been implemented on the ground?” Shtayyeh said. (T/Sj/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)