Mamuju, MINA – The Indonesian National Search and Rescue (SAR) Agency noted that the death toll of earthquake in West Sulawesi increased to 90 people on Tuesday afternoon.
The Head of Mamuju SAR Office, Saidar Rahman said 79 of them are in Mamuju Regency and 11 others in Majene Regency.
In addition, there are still three people who are suspected of being buried by landslides due to earthquake shocks in Malunda District, Majene.
“We will continue our search for tomorrow but tomorrow’s search will only be monitoring and mobile in areas that we think are not optimal,” Saidar said in a virtual press conference on Tuesday.
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The Commander of Military Resort 142 Brigadier General Firman Dahlan said the number of refugees has decreased to 9,905 on Tuesday, with details of 7,255 in Mamuju and 2,650 in Majene.
“There has been a drastic drop in refugees from what was reported yesterday, because many refugees have returned to home, also leaving Mamuju to other areas looking for safe places such as in Makassar, Palu, Parepare,” said Firman.
Meanwhile, the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) is still recording the number of houses damaged by the earthquake.
Previously, an earthquake measuring 6.2 M rocked West Sulawesi on Friday, January 15, 2021 at 02.28 local time.
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The Governor of West Sulawesi has determined Earthquake Emergency Response Status for 14 days on January 15-January 28, 2021. (T/RE1)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)
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