By, Moehammad Amar Ma’ruf , The Writer of Book “Katulistiwa
On April 24, the International community will celebrate the International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace. This event is recognized after the UN General Assembly adopted the resolution no. A/RES/73/127 on 12 December 2018 through ballot with the result 144 in favour and 2 against. Based on this resolution, the United Nations of General Assembly (UNGA) invites all member countries, observers, all international agencies subsidiary and affiliated to the UN to commemorate with the suitable manners and disseminate the benefit of multilateralism and peace diplomacy, including through education activities and enhance public awareness. From this message, I feel obliged to resonance it.
Historically world experiences two (2) big wars, namely World War I (1914-1918) and World War II (1939-1945). From these sad experiences, the world has complex problems and it mostly triggered by conflict over the land and resources in every part of the world or even ideology. Under this situation, multilateralism emerged to find the solution collectively. After the World War I (WWI), League of Nations founded in 1920. It was classified as first multilateral institution with the task to promote cooperation and solidarity among nations to work on the idea of collective security and international organization. Unfortunately, the League failed to prevent the start of World War II, but it set the stage for future efforts.
After the WW I and WW II, world situation becoming more complex and challenging. It needs new strategic to overcome. Let say new issues on Climate, Environment, Cyber Crime, Digital Literacy, Sustainable Development, Health, Children, Woman Empowerment , Refugee etc. Once again, role of Multilateralism still being questioned until the idea to make a new organization which more accommodative and modern and supported by armed products mechanism to establish peace, through peace keeping mission. It is the United Nations (UN) established on October 24, 1945. This organization still also get many critics that the veto right system and Security Council representative membership should be reformed.
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It is interesting to observe that in the period of League of Nations (1920-1946) to the era of establishment of the UN Systems, the role of Indonesian against colonialization seems neglected by current generation. In fact, in this period of establishment of the League of Nations and the UN Systems, in the context of international relations, many Indonesian who living abroad as students or traders and who live in Indonesia conducted resistance to the colonial activity had given influence to the other nations such as Youth Pledge in Indonesia (Sumpah Pemuda). Although it did not directly impact the international world. However, the 1928 Youth Pledge had a positive impact on the Indonesian nation, which can also inspire other nations to maintain unity in diversity.
Indirectly, this Indonesian independence movement has opened ear and eye of the world leaders in the Multilateral fora toward the braves of Indonesia against colonial. For that reason, it is not exaggerating if founding fathers also use multilateralism fora to become one of the institutional instruments in defending its right and promote actively international cooperation. This heroic experience has also been stated clearly in the Preambule of Indonesian 1945 Constitution as state objective that mentioned Indonesian shall be active in creating welfare and social justice and in contributing peace and world welfare and order.
Indonesia become the UN members in 28 September 1950. The Indonesian membership in this forum decided wisely. Indonesia once decided to leave the UN because of disappointment with the UN. Indonesia became a member of the United Nations (UN) again on 28 September 1966. This decision was taken after Indonesia left the UN on 20 January 1965.
From the above point of views, Multilateralism for Indonesia is relay baton/stick in defending sovereign diplomacy after getting Independence and support for nation welfare as well as contributing to the world peace and welfare. Indonesia clearly uses this forum as international collaboration against colonial acts. The Indonesian participation also clearly shows that Indonesia refuse inequality and injustice. Indonesia shares the same feeling with other oppressed nations all over the globe and to be united against the imperialism.
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Inspiring with the above involvement, Indonesia founding fathers had managed successfully the national and international friends especially from Asian African leaders by organizing The Asian African Conference (AAC) on 18–24 April 1955 at Gedung Merdeka, Bandung Indonesia. The AAC was held to strengthen the position of Asian and African countries against colonialism and imperialism. This brilliant action shown by Asian African leaders in Bandung 1955 had made a new face of diplomacy and make a new equilibrium in international relations. This collective or multilateral efforts of AAC are believed to be effective fora in glorifying new world order and formulate peace norms to be implemented equally for gaining common goals, especially for the new born countries in the globe.
It is not exaggerating if the writer looks that the nomination of International Day for Multilateralism dan Diplomacy for Peace is determined fall at 24 April every year. This means that event of Asian African Conference/AAC which had successfully enacted Joint Declaration of Bandung Declaration or is known as Dasa Sila Bandung on April 24, 1955 become one of good examples for Multilateralism stakeholders to consider. The AAC is window for the world society to understand and respect to equal right, against injustice and imperialism. For that colonialization must be abolished in world surface. The establishment of the UN (24/10/1945) is 2 months after Indonesia get independence on August 17, 1945.
Once again that the celebration of this International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace on April 24 every year is inspiring and precious moment for current or next generation in order to be aware and active in preserving the good value of Indonesia Founding Fathers, including Indonesian heroes for their effort in fighting imperialism and their devotion to their mother land. Furthermore, this heroic experience deserves to be understood, appreciated and developed by the current and next generation in facing the current challenges by participating actively in fighting poverty, inequality, abolishing colonialization or others acts which consider bad for the nations and peoples such as war against laziness, corruption or nepotism, encroaching environment quality, abusing drugs, criminal act and other negative behaviours that may bring conflict.
In relation to above values, in my understanding, the celebration of International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace is integral part with the vision of Indonesian leader President Prabowo Subianto in strengthening Nation Building for all Indonesian Peoples at all levels that respects the value of Independence Movement of Indonesia Founding Fathers. Still in connected with this noble objective, under his presidency, several important programs such as Strengthening Sovereign, economic and Indonesian National Protection Diplomacy, Hearing National Anthem on every Tuesday and Thursday for all Government employee while campaign against corruption and provide Free Nutrition Meal for all Indonesia students are also declared and begin to be implemented. []
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Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)