AWG Closes Series of Events for 2021 International Palestine Solidarity Week

Photo: Abdullah/MINA

Cileungsi, Bogor, MINA – Indonesian Humanitarian Agency, Aqsa Working Group (AWG) on Monday at At-Taqwa Mosque Cileungsi, Bogor, West Java, officially closed the series of events for the 2021 International Palestine Solidarity Week (PSP) which has been taking place from November 22, 2021.

In the closing ceremony, Imam Yakhsyallah Mansur expressed his gratitude for the implementation of the 2021 International Palestine Solidarity Week activities and invited him to continue fighting for Palestinian independence.

“Alhamdulillah, today we can gather together in the closing of the 2021 Palestine Solidarity Week, along with commemorating the Palestinian independence day on November 15 which was declared by Yaser Arafat in 1988,” said Imaam Yakhsyallah.

“Independence is the most basic right for human beings, and to be able to support Palestine to achieve independence it is necessary to continue to support it, and pray that we can all do. Pray for the Palestinian people to achieve full independence soon,” he said.

Palestinian Ambassador to Indonesia H.E Zuhair Al-Shun in his virtual speech thanked Imaam Yakhsyallah Mansur and Aqsa Working Group (AWG) Institution and all Indonesian people who have always supported the Palestinian struggle and the liberation of Al Aqsa.

“We thank AWG for holding Palestine Solidarity Week in 2021, this is a precious moment for Palestinians because this is an encouragement and motivation for the Palestinian people that the Indonesian people are always with Palestine and God willing, the efforts of AWG are very good practices and we will remember in the effort to liberate the Al Aqsa Mosque and Palestine,” he said.

“May Allah reward this charity with abundant rewards and we are destined to meet together in Palestine and perform congregational prayers at the Al Aqsa Mosque,” said Al Shun.

Chairman of AWG Presidium M Anshorullah said the 2021 PSP was held for two reasons, the first for religious reasons that the Al Aqsa Mosque was still occupied and continued to be desecrated by the Zionist Israel, the second reason was for humanitarian reasons that the Palestinians were the only ones on earth who had not yet achieved full independence.

“We would like to thank all the Ikhwan-brothers, to all waliyyul imams, to all volunteers, to all AWG presidiums, bureau chiefs, volunteers, and bureau administrators in the regions for their struggle to make the International Palestine Solidarity Week 2021 successful,” said Anshorullah.

“We realize that this event has a lot of shortcomings, for that on behalf of AWG, on behalf of the presidium, on behalf of the management and on behalf of the bureaus, we apologize profusely. We hope that the mistakes and shortcomings in the implementation of the 2021 PSP can be a lesson for the PSP next year can be better, in sha Allah,” he said.

The closing ceremony was also attended by the Chairman of the MUI for Foreign Relations and International Cooperation, Sudarnoto Abdul Hakim, General Chair of the National Committee for the Palestinian People Suripto, and Senior Journalist Aat Surya Syafaat.

Aqsa Working Group held the International Palestine Solidarity Week on November 22-29 2021 which is an annual event in order to support the liberation of the Aqsa Mosque and the independence of Palestine.

This year, AWG has the theme “Move in Community to Free Al-Aqsa and Palestine”, in its series of events AWG held several competitions, the Millenial Peacemaker Forum Talkshow, Palestinian film roadshow, Gowes Cinta Al-Aqsa, and the raising of the Palestinian flag on several mountain peaks (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)