At least 265 Palestinian Prisoners Confirm Positive for Covid-19

Ramallah, MINA – The Palestinian Prisoner Society (PPS) on Wednesday confirmed 15 new cases of Covid-19 between Palestinians in Israeli Custody.

The total number of confirmed cases in all prisons and detention centers is more than 265. Wafa reported on Wednesday.

The PPS reported in a press release , that 15 Palestinian prisoners in Israel Ramon prison have tested positive for the Covid-19 virus, bringing the number of confirmed cases at the same prison since January 11 to 53.

PPS revealed that new infections were detected after random samples were taken from all parts of the prison, and the Israeli Prison Service (IPS) decided to cancel the vaccinations of prisoners.

PPS called the World Health Organization and the International Committee of the Red Cross to take immediate and serious action to guarantee the release of Palestinian prisoners.

While the International medical committee is expected to be able to check the health conditions of the sufferers, generally the elderly. (T/Hju/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)