Tunisia Banned Over 12,000 From Travelling to Terrorist hubs  (Photo : MEMO)
Tunisia Banned Over 12,000 From Travelling to Terrorist hubs. (Photo : MEMO)

Tunis, 29 Jumadil Akhir 1436/18 April 2015 (MINA) – Tunisian Authorities have banned more than 12,000 Tunisians from traveling to tension spots in Iraq, Libya and Syria in the last two years, Anadolu reported on Friday.

In parliament, Tunisian interior minister Najem Gharsalli said that his ministry is still exerting efforts to dismantle the “sleeping nets of terrorists” which facilitates and liaises the travel of Tunisians to”tension spots like Syria and Iraq.”

Gharsalli said that his ministry prevented “12,490 Tunisians from leaving Tunisian territory to travel to tension zones” in Iraq, Libya and Syria since March 2013, Middle East Monitor (MEMO) quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

As part of his ministry’s efforts to restrict travelling to these three countries, he said that new intelligence equipment estimated to cost $27m is to be installed.

Regarding fears of human rights bodies that autocracy could return back to the country after the ratification of anti-terror bill, Gharsalli reinstated that “unlike the 2003 bill, this bill includes positive factors.”

During the parliament meeting, the minister spoke about the terrorist attack on Brado Museum, which took place last month and killed 21 tourists. He said that his ministry has carried out 1,072 inspection mission and has arrested 158 people so far.

Meanwhile, Tunisian defence minister said that there is a shortage of equipment needed to facilitate their counter-terrorism requirements. (T/P002/P3)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)

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