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Israel to Divide Al Aqsa, Jama’ah Muslimin Affirms All Al Aqsa Area Belongs to Muslims

sajadi - Sunday, 18 June 2023 - 18:46 WIB

Sunday, 18 June 2023 - 18:46 WIB


Cileungsi, Bogor, MINA – In response to Israel’s plan to divide Al Aqsa, the forum  Muslim unity, Jama’ah Muslimin (Hizbullah) emphasized that the entire area of ​​the Al Aqsa Mosque belongs to Muslims.

“The Al Aqsa Mosque Complex and its entire area (Al Aqsa Compound) with an area of ​​114 dunums belong to Muslims. The Holy Qur’an contains historical information as well as prophetic evidence in Surah Al Isra verse 1 that the Al Aqsa Mosque is an integral part of the holy journey of the Prophet Muhammad during the Isra’ Mi’raj event,” said Amir Ukhuwah Jama’ah Muslimin Syakuri in written statement on Sunday.

Regarding the propaganda for the separation of the Al Aqsa Mosque complex, his party called on Muslims to have a real reaction to reject it and not just become helpless spectators.

“Things that can be done are to sever all relations with the Jewish colonial state, cancel all normalization agendas with it, urge the OIC and the UN Security Council to hold an emergency meeting to counter this sinister plan,” he said.

Also Read: 13th Night of Ramadan, 65,000 Worshippers Perform Tarawih Prayer at Al-Aqsa Mosque

“We invite all citizens of the world to continue to pray for Allah’s help for the failure of this plan and the destruction of those who wish to destroy world peace. We also pray that Allah Almighty will give strength and victory for the murabithin and murabithah to continue to fight to defend Al Aqsa,” he added.

Al Aqsa Mosque has been the heart of the holy city of Baitul Maqdis for thousands of years. According to him, the underground excavations and Israel’s attack on the Al Aqsa complex have become a real threat to the safety of the Jerusalem symbol and also to peace in the Middle East Region and even the world.

Member of Parliament (Knesset) Israel from the Likud Party Amit Halevy, submitted a Bill which calls for dividing the Al Aqsa Mosque into two parts (30 percent for Muslim residents and 70 percent for Jews) covering the central and northern areas of the complex including the area Dome of the Sakhrah). (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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