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42nd Anniversary, BKMT Holds International Seminar on The Faces of Islam

sajadi - Tuesday, 21 February 2023 - 13:30 WIB

Tuesday, 21 February 2023 - 13:30 WIB


Jakarta, MINA – Commemorating its 42nd Anniversary, the Taklim Council Contact Body (BKMT) held an International Seminar “The Faces of Islam” at the Hajj Dormitory Pondok Gede, Jakarta on Monday.

Chairman of the Central Board of BKMT Dr. Hj. Syifa Fauzia, M. Arts. said, the Taklim Assembly has a very important role in strengthening the unity of the people and nation.

“Ukhuwah Islamiyyah and Wathaniyah are the basis for the realization of ukhuwah insaniyah, both as Muslims and the Indonesian nation. Therefore, in neighbors, with non-Muslims or non-Indonesians, it is obligatory to maintain good social bonds,” said Syifa.

She added, the Taklim Council is an organization that organizes non-formal education in the field of Islam and engages in all forms of Islamic activities.

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Chairman of the BKMT Advisory Board, Prof. Dr. H. Dailami Firdaus, SH., LL.M., MBA. We hope that through this international seminar we can provide literacy on the face of Islam which is rahmatan lil alamin.

“It is not Islam that is perceived destructively and tendentially by Islamophobic adherents,” said Prof.  Dailami, who is also Chair of the Asy-Syafi’iyah Higher Education Foundation and Senator of the DPD RI Dapil DKI Jakarta.

Prof. Dailami added, BKMT as a da’wah organization can continue to be at the forefront of strengthening the basis of faith and Islam, as well as enhancing spiritual power and moral power, for an advanced and dignified Indonesia within the framework of the Republic of Indonesia.

Asy-Syafi’iyah Islamic University (UIA) Chancellor Prof. Dr. Masduki Ahmad, SH., MM.  in his speech congratulated participation in the International Seminar.

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Prof. Masduki said that UIA, which he leads, is very concerned about improving science and research. Included in supporting the seminar.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Indonesian People’s Consultative Assembly, Dr. H.Bambang Soesatyo, S.E.,M.B.A. in his remarks via video congratulated the 42nd Anniversary of BKMT, with the hope of remaining solid and successful in spreading religion and science.

BKMT is a forum for friendship among its members, as well as a strategic partner for the government in the success of development programs,” he said, while at the same time socializing the four pillars of nationalism: Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the Republic of Indonesia and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

Featured as a speaker: Prof. Dr. Shaykh Salim Olwan Al-Hasaniy (Chair of Darul Fatwa Australia), Prof. Dr. Shaykh Akil Thohir (Saudi Arabia), Dr. Mohammad Lamatt (Mauritanian Scholar, West Africa), Dr. Husen Ismail (Yemeni Ulama), Dr. Muhammed Al Khateb (Syrian Scholar), Kasim Ali (Thai Da’wah Activist), Dr. Elly Warti Maliki (Founder of Indonesia Islamic International School, Jeddah).As well as prayers led by Dr. Abdul Hamid, Lc., M.Kom.I.  (Lecturer at Asy-Syafi’iyah Islamic University).

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The Taklim Council Contact Body (BKMT) was established in Jakarta, January 1, 1981, by Prof. Hj. Tutty Alawiyah AS, MA, who during her lifetime served as Minister of State for Women’s Role (Era of President Soeharto and President Habibie), and as Chancellor of the As-Syafi’iyah Islamic University.

This organization was born from the agreement of more than 735 taklim assemblies in the Jakarta and surrounding areas, and now it has reached thousands of taklim assemblies covering millions of Muslimah congregations spread across 33 provinces.  (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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