by Syarif Hidayat*

        Zionism and Zionists propaganda versus the reality in Palestine: The Zionist Jews should make a choice between: “to live in peace side by side with Palestinians in Palestine” or “go back to Khazaria.”

        According to DR. Israel Shahak, “The wish for peace, so often assumed as the Israeli aim, is not a principle of Israeli policy, while the wish to extend Israeli domination and influence is.” and “Israel is preparing for a war, nuclear if need be, for the sake of averting domestic change not to its liking, if it occurs in some or any Middle Eastern states…

      Israel clearly prepares itself to seek overtly a hegemony over the entire Middle East…, without hesitating to use for the purpose all means available, including nuclear ones.” The Israeli nuclear arsenal has profound implications for the future of peace in the Middle East, and indeed, for the entire planet.

        It is clear from Israel Shahak that Israel has no interest in peace except that which is dictated on its own terms, and has absolutely no intention of negotiating in good faith to curtail its nuclear program or discuss seriously a nuclear-free Middle East.

      (Dr.Israel Shahak (Hebrew: ישראל שחק; born Himmelstaub, April 28, 1933 – July 2, 2001) was a Polish-born Holocaust survivor and Israeli professor of chemistry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, known especially as a liberal secular political thinker, author, and civil rights activist. Between 1970–1990, he was president of the Israeli League for Human and Civil Rights and was an outspoken critic of the Israeli government. Shahak first became concerned about Israel’s direction because of David Ben-Gurion’s statement during the 1956 Suez War that Israel was fighting for “the kingdom of David and Solomon.” In the 1960s he became involved in the Israeli League Against Religious Coercion. In 1965, he began his political activism against “classical Judaism” and Zionism. That year he wrote a controversial letter to Haaretz alleging he had witnessed an Orthodox Jew “refusing to let his phone be used on the Sabbath to help a non-Jew who had collapsed nearby,” beginning a still continuing debate on Orthodox Jewish attitudes towards non-Jews. Following the 1967 Six-Day War, Shahak disavowed his affiliation with the League Against Religious Coercion, stating they were “fake liberals” who used liberal principles to fight religious influence in Israeli society, but failed to apply them to Israeli treatment of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. In his later years, Shahak lived in the Rehavia neighborhood of Jerusalem. He died in Jerusalem at age 68 due to complications from diabetes and was buried in the Givat Shaul cemetery.)

Zionism is racist

        “ZIONISM is racist. Being a fundamentalist Zionist political movement, ZIONISM  is not categorically different from Nazism. Only when we understand ZIONISM  in its racist context will we begin to comprehend the depth of its atrocities. If Israel won’t stop itself. Humanity will eventually unite against this disgraceful state!” – Anti-Zionist Israeli activist Gilad Atzmon.

        “Zionism is but an incident of a far reaching plan,” said leading American Zionist Louis Marshall, counsel for bankers Kuhn Loeb in 1917. “It is merely a convenient peg on which to hang a powerful weapon.”

        The far-reaching plan is Illuminati world dictatorship. The Illuminati is the highest echelon of Freemasonry, an occult secret society dedicated to Lucifer. The world’s central bankers have intermarried with the richest dynastic families of Europe and America to bring about world hegemony. They instigated wars and depressions to degrade and destroy humanity. The American people have been financing their wars since 1914.

       Of course, the U.S.A, the renowned World Preacher of Human Rights and Democracy continues to support the terrorist state of Israel by giving it tanks, planes, rocket launchers and financial support to the tune of three to five billion dollars a year, with which Israel has built up the fourth-largest military machine in the world.

       The Israeli occupation of the Palestinian lands, the building of the Zionist Apartheid Walls, the Israeli crimes against humanity and the Zionist state’s hegemony over the Middle East will continue, however, only as long as American money makes it possible.

       Zionist Theodor Herzl: “We Will Lead Every Revolution Against Us”.

“You can help us or we ‘will overthrow the world’.” Chaim Weizmann, first president of the State of Israel

       “We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy be cause we want a world of our own.” (You Gentiles, by Jewish Author Maurice Samuels, p. 155).

        “We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent.” (Jewish Banker Paul Warburg, February 17, 1950, testifying before the U.S. Senate).

       “I don’t mind if after the job is done you put me in front of a Nuremberg Trial and then jail me for life. Hang me if you want, as a war criminal. What you don’t understand is that the dirty work of Zionism is not finished yet, far from it.” – Former Prime Minister of Israel, Ariel Sharon, speaking to Amos Oz, editor of Davar, on Dec. 17, 1982.

Israel is a deadly and murderous society 

       “Though it is certain that there is no ethnic or racial continuum between the Biblical Israelites and the Khazarians who lead the Jewish state and its army, the similarities between the murderous enthusiasm described in Deuteronomy and the current string of Israeli lethal actions cannot be denied. Israel is a murderous society not because of any biological or racial lineage with its imaginary ‘forefathers’. Israel is deadly because it is driven by a fanatical tribal Jewish ideology and fueled by a psychotic merciless Biblical poisonous enthusiasm.” – Gilad Atzmon, an Anti-Zionist Israeli activist.

Here are the infamous Zionist deadly statements

      “There is a huge gap between us (Jews) and our enemies not just in ability but in morality, culture, sanctity of life, and conscience. They are our neighbors here, but it seems as if at a distance of a few hundred meters away, there are people who do not belong to our continent, to our world, but actually belong to a different galaxy.” Israeli president Moshe Katsav. The Jerusalem Post, May 10, 2001


     “The Palestinians are like crocodiles, the more you give them meat, they want more”…. Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel, August 28,2000. Jerusalem Post August 30, 2000

        ”[The Palestinians are] beasts walking on two legs.” Menahim Begin, speech to the Knesset, quoted in Amnon Kapeliouk, “Begin and the Beasts,” New Statesman, 25 June 1982.

        “The Palestinians” would be crushed like grasshoppers … heads smashed against the boulders and walls.” – Yitzhak Shamir, Israeli Prime Minister, in a speech to Jewish settlers New York Times April 1, 1988

      “When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do about it will be to scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle.” Raphael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defence Forces, New York Times, 14 April 1983.

       “How can we return the occupied territories? There is nobody to return them to.” Golda Meir, Israeli Prime Minister, March 8, 1969.

        “There was no such thing as Palestinians, they never existed.” Golda Meir, Israeli Prime Minister, June 15, 1969

       “The thesis that the danger of genocide was hanging over us in June 1967 and that Israel was fighting for its physical existence is only bluff, which was born and developed after the war.” Israeli General Matityahu Peled, Ha’aretz, 19 March 1972.

         “If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?” David Ben Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister), quoted by Nahum Goldmann in “Le Paraddoxe Juif” (“The Jewish Paradox”), pp121.

      “We must do everything to insure they (the Palestinians) never do return.” Assuring his fellow Zionists that Palestinians will never come back to their homes.

     “The old will die and the young will forget.”David Ben Gurion, 1948

        “We have to kill all the Palestinians unless they are resigned to live here as slaves.” Chairman Heilbrun of the Committee for the Re-election of General Shlomo Lahat, the mayor of Tel Aviv, October 1983.

       “Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.”– Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon to Shimon Peres, October 3, 2001, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio. (Certainly the FBI’s cover-up of the Israeli spy ring/phone tap scandal suggests that Mr. Sharon may not have been joking.)

       “We declare openly that the Arabs have no right to settle on even one centimeter of Eretz Israel… Force is all they do or ever will understand. We shall use the ultimate force until the Palestinians come crawling to us on all fours.” – Rafael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defense Forces, Gad Becker, Yediot Ahronot 13 April 1983; New York Times 14 April 1983.

      “We must do everything to ensure they [the Palestinian refugees] never do return” David Ben-Gurion, in his diary, 18 July 1948, quoted in Michael Bar Zohar’s “Ben-Gurion: The Armed Prophet,” Prentice-Hall, 1967, p. 157.

      ” … we should prepare to go over to the offensive with the aim of smashing Lebanon, Trans-jordan and Syria… The weak point in the Arab coalition is Lebanon [for] the Moslem regime is artificial and easy to undermine. A Christian state should be established… When we smash the [Arab] Legions strength and bomb Amman, we will eliminate Transjordan, too, and then Syria will fall. If Egypt still dares to fight on, we shall bomb Port Said, Alexandria, and Cairo.” David Ben-Gurion, May 1948, to the General Staff. From “Ben-Gurion, A Biography,” by Michael Ben-Zohar, Delacorte, New York 1978.

Israel uses terror, assassination, intimidation and land confiscation

        “We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population.” Israel Koenig, “The Koenig Memorandum”

        “Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist. Not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either. Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushua in the place of Tal al-Shuman. There is not a single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population.” Moshe Dayan, address to the Technion, Haifa, Haaretz, April 4, 1969.

      “We walked outside, Ben-Gurion accompanying us. Allon repeated his question, What is to be done with the Palestinian population?’ Ben-Gurion waved his hand in a gesture which said ‘Drive them out!’” Yitzhak Rabin, leaked censored version of Rabin memoirs, New York Times, 23 October 1979. 

         “We shall reduce the Arab population to a community of woodcutters and waiters” Rabin’s description of the conquest of Lydda, after the completion of Plan Dalet. Uri Lubrani, PM Ben-Gurion’s special adviser on Arab Affairs, 1960. quoted in “The Arabs in Israel” by Sabri Jiryas.

      “There are some who believe that the non-Jewish population, even in a high percentage, within our borders will be more effectively under our surveillance; and there are some who believe the contrary, i.e., that it is easier to carry out surveillance over the activities of a neighbor than over those of a tenant. [I] tend to support the latter view and have an additional argument:… the need to sustain the character of the state which will henceforth be Jewish…with a non-Jewish minority limited to 15 percent. I had already reached this fundamental position as early as 1940 [and] it is entered in my diary.” Joseph Weitz, head of the Jewish Agency’s Colonization Department. From “Israel: an Apartheid State” by Uri Davis, p.5.


        “Everybody has to move, run and grab as many hilltops as they can to enlarge the settlements because everything we take now will stay ours… Everything we don’t grab will go to them.” Ariel Sharon, Israeli Foreign Minister, addressing a meeting of militants from the extreme right-wing Tsomet Party, Agence France Presse, November 15, 1998.

        “It is the duty of Israeli leaders to explain to public opinion, clearly and courageously, a certain number of facts that are forgotten with time. The first of these is that there is no Zionism, colonialization or Jewish State without the eviction of the Arabs and the expropriation of their lands.” Yoram Bar Porath, Yediot Aahronot, 14 July 1972.

       “Spirit the penniless population across the frontier by denying it employment… Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly.” Theodore Herzl, founder of the World Zionist Organization, speaking of the Arabs of Palestine, “Complete Diaries,” June 12, 1895 entry.

        “One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail.” Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, Feb. 27, 1994 New York Times, Feb. 28, 1994, p. 1

One-state solution is the best solution

        Most of the Israelis believe that Muslims do not want to live in peace with Jews and are opposed to the idea of a Jewish homeland, but neither of those two misconceptions is true. Palestinian Muslims are ready to live in peace with Jews in Palestine, as long as everyone has equal rights, including the right to vote, which is not the case today.

       And Muslims are not opposed to the idea of a Jewish homeland. They just believe that a Jewish homeland should be in Khazaria or somewhere else but not in Palestine. Everyone is talking about a two-state solution for Palestine, but a one-state solution through a referendum with the participation of all the people living in Palestine — Muslims, Christians, Jews, and people with other belief systems — would be the best solution.

       However, all of the disenfranchised Palestinians would have to be given the right to vote for it to be a valid referendum. And for that to happen, all of the 5.8 million Palestinians in the diaspora would have to be granted the right of return and the right to vote in the referendum. If that happened, the plebiscite could be organized.

       However, most of the Jewish Israelis are opposed to this proposal because they would then be in the minority. There are about 2.6 million Palestinians living in the West Bank, about 1.7 million Palestinians living in Gaza, and about 1,662,100 Palestinians living in East al-Quds (Jerusalem) and the territories of Palestine occupied before the Six-Day War of 1967.

       Thus, there are a total of 5,962,100 Palestinians living in Greater Palestine. As of May 31, 2013, there were a total of 6,054,700 Jews living in Greater Palestine and the occupied Golan Heights, according to Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics.

        As of May 31, 2013, there were also 318,200 people who are neither Jewish nor Palestinian living in Israel according to Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics. These “others” are defined as “non-Arab Christians, members of other religions, and persons not classified by religion in the [Israeli] Ministry of the Interior.”

         So the entire area controlled by Israel — Greater Palestine, the Golan Heights, which rightfully belongs to Syria according to international law, and the Shebaa Farms, which rightfully belongs to Lebanon according to international law — has a total population of 12,335,000 and is approximately 49.09 percent Jewish, 48.33 percent Palestinian, and 2.58 percent others.

        And there will be an Arab majority in Greater Palestine shortly after December 2014, according to a report published by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics in December 2010. “The number of Palestinians (Arabs) will reach that of Jewish residents by the end of 2014, around 6.1 million, at the current growth rate,” the report said.

Palestinian majority

        But if all of the Palestinians in the diaspora returned, the occupied territories would have a population of about 18,135,000, with approximately 11,762,100 Palestinians, 6,054,700 Jews, and 318,200 people who are neither Jewish nor Palestinian. Then the region would be approximately 64.86 percent Palestinian, 33.39 percent Jewish, and 1.75 percent others.

        Thus, over 60 percent of the MPs in the new parliament of the new country would be Palestinian, if a referendum were to be held to determine the final status of Palestine, followed by a parliamentary election. This is the road to peace, if anyone wants to take it. Some people will say that the Palestinian Muslim majority of the new country would oppress the Jewish minority.

        However, this is not what history shows. Muslims and Jews lived together in peace and harmony for centuries before the establishment of the Zionist regime, and the Holy Quran says Jews are People of the Book, which means they are monotheists with a book of true revelation and thus must be accorded due respect.

         And during all those centuries, there were many pogroms in Europe, and Jews actually fled from Europe to the Islamic world so they could live in peace. On several occasions between 1490 and 1492, Sultan Bayezid II of the Ottoman Empire sent a fleet under the command of Kemal Reis to the Andalucia region of Spain to save the Sephardic Jews from the oppression of the Spanish Inquisition and allowed them to settle in the territories of the Ottoman Empire.

         Kemal Reis also rescued Muslims during his trips to Spain, since they were also being persecuted. The Alhambra Decree, which was issued on March 31, 1492 by the joint Catholic monarchs of Spain — Queen Isabella I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon — ordered the expulsion of Jews from the kingdoms of Castile and Aragon and their territories and possessions by July 31, 1492.

Also Read:  Complexities of the Modern World and Islamic Solutions (Shamsi Ali)

          In response to the Alhambra Decree, Sultan Bayezid II issued proclamations ordering Ottoman citizens to welcome the Jewish refugees from Spain. He also allowed the Sephardic Jews to become Ottoman citizens. In 1506, Admiral Kemal Reis returned to Andalucia and rescued more Spanish Jews and Muslims, and then transported them to the safety of the Ottoman Empire.

          Albert Einstein, who believed Jews and Muslims could live together and opposed the Zionist project to establish Israel in Palestine, wrote in 1939: “There could be no greater calamity than a permanent discord between us and the Arab people. Despite the great wrong that has been done us [in the Western world], we must strive for a just and lasting compromise with the Arab people… Let us recall that in former times no people lived in greater friendship with us than the ancestors of these Arabs.”


A Jewish homeland or Go back to Khazaria

         If some Jews still do not want to live together in peace and prefer to live apart, then they should look for somewhere outside of Palestine to establish a Jewish homeland. Perhaps they could find some empty, unpopulated tract of land to live on. Or they could go to Russia and live in the Jewish Autonomous Oblast of the Russian Far East.

       Or perhaps they could move back to Khazaria, since it seems that most of the Ashkenazi Jews — but not the Sephardic, Mizrahi, and Maghrebi Jews — are of Khazar origin and have little or no Hebrew ancestry.

        According to a report published in the October 2003 issue of the American Journal of Human Genetics, 52 percent of Levites of Ashkenazi origin have a genetic signature that originated in Central Asia. The population geneticists who prepared the report said that the source of this genetic signature could have been the Khazars, a Turkic people who established a powerful state between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea that flourished from the seventh century to the tenth century.

        They formulated the hypothesis based on the fact that the signature, a set of DNA variations known as R1a1, is common in the region north of Georgia where the kingdom of Khazaria was located. In about the year 740 CE, Bulan, the king of Khazaria, converted to Judaism, and afterwards most of the Khazars also accepted Judaism.

       Itil, which is located about 40 kilometers south-southwest of Astrakhan, was the capital of Khazaria from the middle of the 8th century until the end of the 10th century. In Supplication 27 (“For the People of the Frontiers”) of the Saheefah, Imam Zain al-Abideen as-Sajjad (peace be upon him), the son of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him), included the Khazars on a list of enemies on the borders of the Islamic world.

         In his 1976 book The Thirteenth Tribe, Arthur Koestler presented historical sources that provide evidence that Ashkenazi Jews are the descendants of the Khazars. Dr. Eran Elhaik, a population geneticist at the School of Public Health of Johns Hopkins University, launched the Khazar DNA Project in 2012.

        In an article entitled “The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses” that was published in the online version of the journal Genome Biology and Evolution on December 14, 2012 and updated on January 16, 2013, Elhaik wrote: “Alternatively, the ‘Khazarian Hypothesis’ suggests that Eastern European Jews descended from the Khazars, an amalgam of Turkic clans that settled the Caucasus in the early centuries CE and converted to Judaism in the 8th century… Our findings support the Khazarian hypothesis and portray the European Jewish genome as a mosaic of Near Eastern-Caucasus, European, and Semitic ancestries, thereby consolidating previous contradictory reports of Jewish ancestry.”

        In an interview with the Israeli newspaper Haaretz published on December 28, 2012, Elhaik said that the various groups of European and non-European Jews have no blood or family connections, adding, “The various groups of Jews in the world today do not share a common genetic origin. We are talking here about groups that are very heterogeneous and which are connected solely by religion.”

       His findings show that the dominant element in the genetic makeup of European Jews is Khazar, and this component is the most dominant in the genome of Central European Jews, at 38 percent, and Eastern European Jews, at 30 percent. He also noted that the “genome of European Jews is a mosaic of ancient peoples and its origin is largely Khazar.”

        In the Genome Biology and Evolution article, Elhaik also wrote: “The religious conversion of the Khazars encompassed most of the empire’s citizens and subordinate tribes and lasted for the next 400 years until the invasion of the Mongols. At the final collapse of their empire (13th century), many of the Judeo-Khazars fled to Eastern Europe and later migrated to Central Europe and admixed with the neighboring populations.”

        However, since other peoples now live in the territory that was once Khazaria, perhaps it wouldn’t be a good idea for Ashkenazi Jews to move back to that region. At the end of the day, it would be better for everyone to live together in peace in one state in Palestine. And the only way to achieve that goal would be to hold a referendum to create such a state.

         And if the Israelis and their supporters try to block the referendum, the Palestinians and their supporters should use the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign to press the issue of the referendum.

        Every effort should be made to organize the referendum so there can be one state in Greater Palestine where everyone — Muslims, Christians, Jews, and people with other belief systems — can live in peace with equal rights. (T/E1/P03)


Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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      1.   http://www.presstv.com/

      2.   http://www.ghatreh.org/

      3.  http://www.palestineremembered.com/

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