Wonogiri, MINA – Karni, wife of Paidi bin Kromo Joyo, an Indonesian volunteer who is currently a volunteer of the second phase of the Indonesian Hospital (RSI) construction in Gaza, Palestine, passed away on Sunday morning in her hometown in Slogohimo, Wonogiri, Central Java.
“Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun, Karni bint Kasidi, wife of one of our volunteers passed away,” the head of RSI Development, Ir. Edi Wahyudi told MINA via telephone.
Paidi and Karni couple have two children (one son and one daughter). The youngest child is still in the 6th grade of elementary school.
From the MINA record, there are four family members of Indonesian volunteers in Gaza who had passed away while they are in Gaza. The four are; Mother of Muhammad Lutfi Paimin, from Singkawang, West Kalimantan; father from Sodikin, from Brebes, Central Java; Edi Wahyudi’s mother, Cileungsi, West Java, and Karni, wife of Paidi, from Wonogiri, Central Java.
Also Read: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Denies Discussions on Relocating Gaza Residents to Indonesia
Board and all volunteer of Medical Emergency Rescue Committee (MER-C), Radio Silaturahim (Rasil), Al-Fatah Islamic Boarding School, Aqsa Working Group (AWG) and MINA News Agency, also mourned the death of the wife of the Gaza volunteer. May the deceased get a glorious place in the sight of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala because they had supported the struggle of the Palestinian people against Israeli Zoinis.
There are 31 Indonesian volunteers from Al-Fatah foundation who are building an Indonesian Hospital in Gaza. They were departed in February 2019, which means that up to now, it has 15 months they left their families in the country of Indonesia. (T/R6/RE1)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)
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