VP Amin Wants India to Emulate Religious Moderation in Indonesia

Jakarta, MINA – Vice President Ma’ruf Amin hopes that India will emulate religious tolerance and moderation in Indonesia.

Ma’ruf said that Indonesia had similarities with India in terms of national and religious diversity but its people could still live side by side.

It was said by Ma’ruf following the riots in India triggered by the ratification of the Citizenship Act which was considered discrimination by Muslims.

“We want India to behave like us Indonesia, that is to build tolerance, moderation in religion, as a country that is equally diverse, I hope that India is like we do,” Ma’ruf told said as quoted from Republika on Wednesday, March 4.

Therefore, Ma’ruf considered the importance of religious moderation to be developed, not only in Indonesia but in other countries. In addition, religious moderation, said Ma’ruf, it is not only for Muslims throughout the world, but also followers of other religions.

“The problem of religious moderation is a problem that it is not only moderate Islam, but also all moderate religions, so that they can maintain harmony and harmony relations,” said Ma’ruf.

Ma’ruf continued for that too, the Government of Indonesia would initiate a meeting of religious leaders in the world to commit building religious moderation.

According to him, the meeting is expected not only to build harmony between religious communities in each region but also to reconcile conflicts that occur globally.

“In addition to Islam also Christianity, Catholicism, including the pope, Hindu Buddhist figures Confucianism, Judaism, to jointly build religious moderation, build harmony. Not only can be harmonious but reconcile conflicts in the world that occur. “We want other countries like Indonesia,” he said. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)