Spokesmen of Indonesian Foreign Ministry Armanatha Nasir. Photo: Rina/MINA
Spokesmen of Indonesian Foreign Ministry Armanatha Nasir. (Photo: Rina/MINA)

Jakarta, 23 Jumadil Awwal 1436/14 March 2015 (MINA) –  Turkish Foreign Ministry  told Indonesia  government that the 16  Indonesians who are still missing in Turkey  few days  ago now under the Turkish detention.

“According to the report we received from Turkish  Foreign Ministry, they were held in Gaziantep and our embassy there will meet the ministry to confirm it,” spokesmen of Indonesian Foreign Ministry Armanatha Nasir told  reporters on Thursday.

According to Armanatha Nasir, the Foreign ministry is still trying to find out  their identities.”We will  put an update once their real identities revealed”.

The Turkish government detained 16 Indonesian citizens consisting three families, who have attempted to cross into Syria, said Foreign Ministrery spokesman on Wednesday (11/3).

However, according  to Armanatha, Indonesian embassy in Ankara is still trying to confirm the news, whether they are the missing or the other citizens.

Previously, Indonesia sent special team to Turkey to track the  16 citizens  who allegedly join for ISIS.

“The Special team sent to Turkey will provide background of  16 citizens to the authorities in Turkey to facilitate the search,” he added.(L/imt/R04/P3)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)