Trump Says He “May” Go to Jerusalem for Opening of US Embassy in Mid-May

US President Donald Trump.

Washington, MINA – During an Oval Office appearance Monday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Donald Trump said he “may” go to Jerusalem in mid-May for the opening of the US Embassy there.

“We’re looking at it,” Trump said. “If I can, I will.” “Israel is very special to me — special country, special people, and I look forward to being there, and I’m very proud of that decision,” he was quoted by KUNA as saying, referring to his decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Netanyahu noted that it was “the first time we meet in Washington, America’s capital, after you declared, Mr. President, Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. And this was a historic proclamation, followed by your bold decision to move the embassy by our upcoming national independence day.”

Netanyahu said the “greatest challenge in the Middle East to both our countries, to our Arab neighbors, it’s encapsulated in one word: Iran. Iran has not given up its nuclear ambitions.

It came out of this (the 2015) nuclear deal emboldened, enriched. It’s practicing aggression everywhere, including on our own borders. And I think we have to stop this country.” On the issue of achieving a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians, Trump said

“We’re working very hard on it. We have a shot at doing it.” The issue of recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel has been taken “off the table,”

Trump said. “We’ll see how it works out. The Palestinians, I think, are wanting to come back to the table very badly.”

“If they don’t, you don’t have peace, and that’s a possibility also,” he said. “I’m not saying it’s going to happen.”

Netanyahu said that “the Arabs have never been closer to Israel, Israel has never been closer to the Arabs, and we seek also to broaden that peace to the Palestinians. So I look forward to those discussions.” (T/RS5/RS1)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)