Torture in Israeli Prisons an Expression of Hatred and Sadism: Hamas

Gaza, MINA – The Palestinian Resistance Movement, Hamas, has described the practices of the Israeli occupation in its prisons against Palestinian detainees as expressions of hatred and sadism.

This statement follows leaked video footage showing Israeli occupation soldiers humiliating Palestinian detainees in Megiddo Prison and using dogs to intimidate them.

“The practices carried out by the occupation are an expression of the level of hatred and sadism exhibited by the Zionist prison guards towards Palestinian detainees,” Hamas said in a statement quoted by Al Mayadeen on Saturday.

The statement further highlighted that these actions are part of the ongoing brutal treatment by the Israeli occupation against Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons, which includes torture, mistreatment, starvation, medical neglect, and the denial of fundamental human rights.

As a result, the number of Palestinians who have become martyrs due to neglect and torture in prison has exceeded 60.

Hamas has called on international human rights organizations and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to document these violations and other horrific crimes against Palestinian detainees.

They urged these international bodies to take immediate action to pressure the Israeli occupation government and its leaders to stop blatant violations of international law regarding detainees and to hold the Israeli occupation leaders accountable for their ongoing crimes.

Meanwhile, the Commission for Prisoners and Former Prisoners in Gaza stated, “The occupation government, under the extremist Ben-Gvir, has turned prisons and detention centers into death chambers.” (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)