image: Ma'an News Agency
Thousands of people gathered outside the Israeli embassy in London to protest Israel’s assault on the Gaza Strip.(image: Ma’an News Agency)

London, 16 Ramadan 1435/14 July 2014 (MINA) – Thousands of people gathered outside the Israeli embassy in London on Friday to protest Israel’s assault on the Gaza Strip.

A crowd of several hundred protested outside of the embassy, located in the borough of Kensington, as a main road was blocked for several hours and helicopters kept an eye on protesters.

Politicians including George Galloway and Labor MP Jeremy Corbyn spoke at the event, with passions running high among spectators, Friday (11/7), Ma’an News Agency quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency as reporting.

Tony Blair’s sister-in-law, Lauren Booth, also spoke at the protest, condemning Israel’s bombardment of the besieged enclave.

Thousands rallied across Asia to denounce the Israeli offensive and show support for Palestinians.

A result of the Israeli attack, according to official Palestinian Health Ministry reports received by Gaza correspondent MINA, martyr toll in Gaza reached 166 while wounded has reached 1,120 people.

Hundreds of people were injured, mostly women and children, can’t be taken to the hospital, being treated by doctors and other medical staff who work in appalling and dangerous environments, under pressure, and with a severe shortage of medicines and medical supplies other necessary.(T/Nidiya/E01)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)

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