Thousands of Palestinians Perform Friday Prayer at Ibrahimi Mosque

Hebron, MINA – The Director of Palestinian Waqf in the city of Hebron reported that thousands of residents performed Friday prayers at the Ibrahimi Mosque in the city of Hebron.

The Directorate of Waqf deliberately closed six mosques in the city of Hebron, to intensify the presence of worshipers in the Ibrahimi Mosque area, Al-Quds Online reported on Friday.

The presence of worshipers at the second main mosque in Palestine after the Al-Aqsa Mosque, as well as to send a message of protest against the act of Judaization of the Israeli occupation and Jewish settlers.

According to Sheikh Jamal Abu Aram, director of waqf in the city of Hebron, this Friday is called the “Friday of Alert and Challenge,” bringing together thousands of Muslims ranging from boys, youth, women to the elderly.

“The closure of several mosques to direct worshipers to Ibrahimi has been successful. The action will continue because the mosque is a purely Islamic religious place and cannot be divided in two. We are the rightful owners of this place, our religious and historical heritage,” he said.

Since the morning, the occupation forces have been at several military outposts in Jerusalem’s Old City and around the Ibrahimi Mosque.

The occupation deployed hundreds of soldiers at all checkpoints to hinder the journey of pilgrims.

Palestinian Struggle activist Muhannad Al-Jabari, who is in charge of the Fatah archives in central Hebron, confirmed in a press interview that the Fatah movement had taken the decision to intensify its attendance at Fajr and Friday prayer.

Al-Jabari confirmed that hundreds of soldiers on all the way into the Ibrahimi Mosque tried to prevent the Palestinians from attending, but it did not work.

The occupation forces prevented dozens of journalists from covering at the gate near the Ibrahimi Mosque. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)