by Syarif Hidayat
The Zionist walls that separate Palestinians with Jewish settlers, the Palestinians with their families and farm lands as well as cut the access roads of Palestinian school children to their schools and the application of the Zionist Apartheid system of racial segregation have moved the world civilization several decades backward.
The people of the world celebrated the destruction of Berlin Wall on November 1989 and the end of Apartheid system in South Africa in 1994 as the big improvements of the world civilization
But despite the opposition from the international community especially the peace-loving countries and the international human rights activists, the Zionist Israelis take back those garbage of Human Civilization: build the walls that separate and cut access between Palestinian families, Palestinian with their farm lands and Palestinian children with their schools; and apply Apartheid system that is worse than Apartheid system that was practiced by white South Africans more than a decade ago.
The background:
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Berlin Wall:
The Berlin Wall was the physical division between West Berlin and East Germany. However, it was also the symbolic boundary between democracy and Communism during the Cold War.
Dates: August 13, 1961 — November 9, 1989
Also Known As: Berliner Mauer (in German)
Overview of the Berlin Wall:
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The Berlin Wall was erected in the dead of night and for 28 years kept East Germans from fleeing to the West. Its destruction, which was nearly as instantaneous as its creation, was celebrated around the world.
The Berlin Wall Goes Up
There had been rumors that something might happen to tighten the border of East and West Berlin, but no one was expecting the speed nor the absoluteness of the Wall.
Just past midnight on the night of August 12-13, 1961, trucks with soldiers and construction workers rumbled through East Berlin. While most Berliners were sleeping, these crews began tearing up streets that entered into West Berlin, dug holes to put up concrete posts, and strung barbed wire all across the border between East and West Berlin. Telephone wires between East and West Berlin were also cut.
Berliners were shocked when they woke up that morning. What had once been a very fluid border was now rigid. No longer could East Berliners cross the border for operas, plays, soccer games, etc. No longer could the approximately 60,000 commuters head to West Berlin for well-paying jobs. No longer could families, friends, and lovers cross the border to meet their loved ones. Whichever side of the border one went to sleep on during the night of August 12, they were stuck on that side for decades.
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The Size and Scope of the Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall stretched over a hundred miles. It ran not only through the center of Berlin, but also wrapped around West Berlin, entirely cutting West Berlin off from the rest of East Germany.
The wall itself went through four major transformations during its 28-year history. The Berlin Wall started out as a barbed-wire fence with concrete posts, but just a few days after the first fence was placed, it was quickly replaced with a sturdier, more permanent structure made out of concrete blocks, topped with barbed wire.
The first two versions of the wall (barbed wire and concrete blocks) were replaced by the third version of the Berlin Wall in 1965. This version consisted of a concrete wall, supported by steel girders.
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The fourth version of the Berlin Wall, constructed from 1975 to 1980, was the most complicated and thorough. It consisted of concrete slabs reaching nearly 12-feet high (3.6 m) and 4-feet wide (1.2 m), plus it had a smooth pipe running across the top to hinder people from scaling the Wall. Its destruction on November 9, 1989, which was nearly as instantaneous as its creation, was celebrated around the world.
Apartheid was a system of racial segregation enforced through legislation by the National Party governments of South Africa between 1948 and 1994, under which the rights of the majority non-white inhabitants of South Africa were curtailed and white supremacy and Afrikaner minority rule was maintained.
apartheid system in South Africa was ended through a series of negotiations between 1990 and 1993 and through unilateral steps by the de Klerk government. These negotiations took place between the governing National Party, the African National Congress, and a wide variety of other political organisations. Negotiations took place against a backdrop of political violence in the country, including allegations of a state-sponsored third force destabilising the country. The negotiations resulted in South Africa’s first multi-racial election, which was won by the African National Congress that marked the end of the
Apartheid system in South Africa.
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The Zionists retrieve those garbage of Human Civilization and build the walls that separate and cut access between Palestinian families, Palestinian with their farm lands and Palestinian children with their schools. The Zionist Israelis also apply Apartheid system that is worse than Apartheid system that was practiced by white South Africans more than a decade ago.
The Israeli Apartheid policy against the Palestinians and the Zionist Apartheid walls, that separate the Palestinians with their families, lands and farm fields as well as cut access roads to their neighbors and block many of the Palestinian children paths or ways to their schools, are worse than the South Africans situation during Apartheid years! It is Apartheid-Zio-azism!!
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It is worse, not in the sense that
apartheid was not an absolutely terrifying system in South Africa, but in the ways in which the Israelis have taken the
apartheid system and perfected it, so to speak; sharpened it. Palestinians are mocked in a way that South Africans were not.
“93 percent of the land of Israel (the stolen lands of Palestine) is for exclusively Jewish use. In South Africa, the fact that 13 percent of the population had control of 97 percent of the land. In Israel it is worse.”
Tanya Reinhart on Israeli apartheid: “Israeli apartheid is trying to get as many Palestinians out of the land as possible … it’s about driving them out of the land.”
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Did you know that non-Jewish Israelis cannot buy or lease land in Israel?
Did you now that cars owned by Palestinians are colour coded to distinguish Jews from non-Jews?
Did you know Palestinians are not allowed to move from one city, say Gaza to Bethleham, to another without first getting a ‘visa’ from Israel?
Did you know that Israel allots 85% of the water resources for Jews and the remaining 15% is divided among all Palestinians in the territories? For example in Hebron, 85% of the water is given to about 400 Jewish settlers, while 15% must be divided among Hebron’s 120,000 Palestinians?
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Did you know that Israel routinely confiscates Palestinian bank accounts, businesses and land and refuses to pay compensation to those who suffer confiscation?
Did you know that Israel stands in defiance of over 80 United Nations Security Council Resolutions?
Did you know that it was not until 1988 that Israelis were barred from running ‘Jews Only’ job ads?
Did you know that Sharon (the ‘elected’ leader of a democratic society) was held responsible for the massacre of more than 2750 Palestinians in the refugee camps of Sabra and Chatila? The UN qualified the massacre by Sharon as GENOCIDE.
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Did you know that Sharon’s commando unit in 1953 razed the Palestinian village of Qibya killing all its citizens and bombed all the houses, mosques and schools?
Did you know that Israel’s settlement-building on Palestinian land increased considerably since the signing of the Oslo agreement?
Did you know that settlement building of Jewish only homes under Ehud Barak doubled compared to settlement building under Netanyahu?
Did you know that Palestinian refugees make up the largest portion of the refugee population in the world?
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Did you know that between 1967 and early 2002 Israel expropriated some 79% of the West Bank and Gaza Strip? Estimated figures published by Amnesty International in 1999 show the following:
Year Land Confiscated in the West Bank
1984 42%
1991 60%
1998 74%
Did you know that since between 1967 and early 2002 Israel demolished or sealed over 8500 homes, of which 2500 were in East Jerusalem alone? Houses are demolished as punitive measure or under the pretext of ‘lack of building permit’ – permits are rarely granted.
Did you know that the Ha’aertz Israeli paper estimated in 1998 (31 July) that a population of 5800 Jewish settlers in Hebron consumed 547 liters of water a day each? By contrast, a population of 119,230 Palestinians in the same area consumed or had access to no more than 58 litres per day each.
Did you know that since 1967, (and of course not counting the atrocities committed since March 2002) over 600,000 Palestinians have been jailed in Israeli jails and over 200 have died while in Israeli jails? During the first year of the second intifada alone, Israel arrested over 1900 Palestinians, of which 600 were children under 16.
Did you know that Israel uses torture routinely in jails (only against non-Jews of course) despite the Israeli High Court outlawing it?
”It is worse, not in the sense that
apartheid was not an absolutely terrifying system in South Africa, but in the ways in which the Israelis have taken the
apartheid system and perfected it, so to speak; sharpened it. For instance, we had the Bantustans and we had the Group Areas Act and we had the separate schools and all of that but I don’t think it ever even entered the mind of any
apartheid planner to design a town in such a way that there is a physical wall that separates people and that that wall denotes your freedom of movement, your freedom of economic gain, of employment, and at the same time is a tool of intimidation and dehumanisation.”
“We carried passes as the Palestinians have their ID documents but that did not mean that we could not go from one place in the city to another place in the city. The judicial system was absolutely skewed of course, all the judges in their judgements sought to protect white privilege and power and so forth, and we had a series of what they called “hanging judges” in those days, but they did not go far as to openly, blatantly have two separate justice systems as they do for Palestinians [who are tried in Israeli military courts] and Israelis [who are tried in civil, not military courts]. So in many ways the Israeli system is worse.”
“Another thing that makes it even worse is that when we fought our battles, even if it took us a long time, we could in the end muster and mobilise international solidarity on a scale that enabled us to be more successful in our struggle. The Palestinians cannot do that. The whole international community almost conspires against them. The UN, which played a fairly positive role in the struggle against
apartheid in South Africa, takes the disastrous position of not wanting to offend its strong members like the United States who protect Israel.”
“So even in the UN, where international law ought to be the framework wherein all these things are judged, where international solidarity is not an assumption but is supposed to be the very foundation upon which the UN builds its views on things and its judgements as to which way it goes, the Palestinians don’t even have that.”
“Palestinians are mocked in a way that South Africans were not. In a sense, the UN tried in our case to follow up on its resolutions to isolate the
apartheid regime. Here, now, they make resolutions against Israel one after the other and I don’t detect even a sense of shame that they know there is not going to be any follow up.”
”Under Reagan the United States was pretty blatant in its so called constructive engagement programme and in its support for the white regime in South Africa, but what the United States is doing now in the week that UNESCO took the decision to support the Palestinian bid for a seat in the United Nations, to withdraw all US financial support; to resort immediately to economic blackmail, that is so scandalous. So in all those ways I think we are trying to say that what is happening in Israel today is a system of
apartheid that in its perfection of that system is more terrifying in many ways than
apartheid in South Africa ever was,” said Reverend Allan Boesak.
Attitudes AND CONFIRMATION in Israel
B’tSelem: “Land Grab”
From Haaretz: “Segregation of Jews and Arabs in 2010 Israel is almost absolute:”
“For those of us who live here, it is something we take for granted. But visitors from abroad cannot believe their eyes: segregated education, segregated businesses, separate entertainment venues, different languages, separate political parties … and of course, segregated housing. In many senses, this is the way members of both groups want things to be, but such separation only contributes to the growing mutual alienation of Jews and Arabs.”
Former Attorney General of Israel Avi Zer-Aviv:
“Despite its best intentions, Israel has created a system of separation in the West Bank which fits the textbook definition of apartheid. According to Michael Ben-Yair, Attorney General of Israel throughout the nineties, “In effect, we established an apartheid regime in the Occupied Territories immediately following their capture. That oppressive regime exists to this day.” He is not alone in asserting this perspective. Many notable Israelis like Meron Benvenisti, Akiva Elder, and Shulamit Aloni, to mention a few, agree that Israeli style apartheid is a reality.”
Facts speak for themselves correctly and objectively that ZIONISM is racist. Being a fundamentalist Zionist political movement, ZIONISM is not categorically different from Nazism. It is even worse than Nazism. Only when we understand ZIONISM in its racist context will we begin to comprehend the depth of its atrocities!!
The Zionists are terrorizing and torturing Palestinians as well as committing Genocide against the Palestinians, creating Palestinian Holocaust and stealing their lands and properties on daily basis with the US full support (financially, economically, politically and militarily) to the tune of five billion dollars a year, while at the same time, they continue to complain to the world especially the Washington regime and the US-led western civilization regimes — their captive markets for their propaganda stuffs — that the Palestinians are terrorists!
“Though it is certain that there is no ethnic or racial continuum between the Biblical Israelites and the Khazarians who lead the Jewish state and its army, the similarities between the murderous enthusiasm described in Deuteronomy and the current string of Israeli lethal actions cannot be denied. Israel is a murderous society not because of any biological or racial lineage with its imaginary ‘forefathers’. Israel is deadly because it is driven by a fanatical tribal Jewish ideology and fueled by a psychotic merciless Biblical poisonous enthusiasm.” Gilad Atzmon, an Anti-Zionist Israeli activist.
Humanity should unite against this disgraceful state and those “diabolic” Zionists!! (HSH)