By: Hamidah Juariah, Student of STAI Al Fatah Bogor
Sincerity means clean from something that is not good. We perform deeds sincerely so the action becomes a blessing and reward.
However, sincerity is very difficult to do. Moreover, forgive the mistakes of those who have hurt us. Perhaps, there is a desire for revenge.
In fact, revenge is one of the characteristics of Satan. Therefore, we must forgive sincerely so our hearts do not dissolve in hatred and revenge.
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We will get miracles from Allah when we try to be sincere when we are hurt or facing difficult situations.
Our sadness will be replaced with happiness because Allah will never let His servants continue to feel sadness as long as we always involve Allah in every business.
It is the same as giving charity sincerely. Our wealth will not decrease but surprisingly, it will increase.
So, there will be no waste if we perform deeds sincerely. Never expect to be praised, appreciated, and recognized by others because it will only make us disappointed.
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If we perform a deed without sincerity, it will not be accepted by Allah and can plunge us into hell. Naudzubillah min dzalik.
Sincere deed will be feared by Satan, as Allah says:
{قَالَ رَبِّ بِمَا أَغْوَيْتَنِي لأُزَيِّنَنَّ لَهُمْ فِي الأَرْضِ وَلأُغْوِيَنَّهُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ} (الحجر : 39)
39- Satan said: O my Lord, because You mislead and expelled me from Your Mercy —without mentioning his disobedience to his Lord— I shall tempt the Children of Adam and decorate their evil deeds so as to be tempted. Moreover, I shall make sins beloved to them and exhort them to do evil deeds and I shall lead them astray.
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{إِلاَّ عِبَادَكَ مِنْهُمُ الْمُخْلَصِينَ} (الحجر : 40)
40- Except Your Servants who showed sincerity in obedience and monotheism, and avoided Your Prohibited matters, such people I cannot mislead.
“Mukhlis” means a sincere person. Based on the verse above, satan will not be able to tempt sincere people. By performing deeds sincerely, our heart will also feel free. Getting used to being sincere will make us strong and steadfast in dealing with all things in life.
Let us continue to spread kindness with sincerity and be aware of wanting to be praised (riya) because Allah hates that trait. (T/ri/RE1)
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Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)