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Tabligh Akbar Jama’ah Muslimin 1443H Presents Muslim Scholars and Scholars from Five Continents

sajadi - Thursday, 17 March 2022 - 17:00 WIB

Thursday, 17 March 2022 - 17:00 WIB


Bogor, MINA – Tabligh Akbar as the culmination of a series of events at the Center for Jama’ah Muslimin (Hizbullah) 1443 H/2022 will be held in a hybrid manner on Saturday to Sunday (19-20 March).

The Tabligh Akbar will be held offline at At-Taqwa Mosque, Al-Fatah Islamic Boarding School Complex, Cileungsi, Bogor, with limited invited guests and online through the zoom meeting platform and live streaming on Rasil TV and Al-Jama’ah TV.

The Head of the 1443H Central Taklim Organizing Committee, Deni Rahman explained to MINA on Thursday this time the tabligh akbar presented speakers from within and outside the country, including Muslim scholars and scholars from five continents.

“God willing, the speaker from abroad, namely Ustaz Mohamad Joban, Lc. MA, from Washington D.C. United States of America; Dr. Teuku Chalidin Yacoub, founder of Ashabul Kahfi Islamic Center Sydney Australia; Dr. Abdullah Abu Bakar, Thai cleric; Shaykh Watteau Ibrahim, Filipino cleric; Sheikh Mahmoud Anbar, cleric and scholar from Gaza, Palestine; Dr. Ahmad Abdul Malik cleric and intellectual Nigeria, Africa; and Dr. Daud Abdullah from London, England,” he explained.

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Meanwhile, domestic speakers presented national Muslim scholars and scholars, namely Drs. KH. Yakhsyallah Mansur, MA (Guarantor of the Al-Fatah Islamic Boarding School Network), KH. Drs. Imam Addaruquthni, MA. (Secretary General of the Indonesian Mosque Council), Dr. H. Adhyaksa Dault, S.H., M.Sc. (Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia Period 2004-2009), Dr. Legisan Sugimin Samtafsir (Founder of Al-Balad), K.H. Abul Hidayat Saerodjie (Advisor of Al-Fatah Islamic Boarding School Indonesia), Ust. Husin Al-Atas, M.A. (Radio and TV Gathering Speaker), Ustaz Wahyudi KS (Lecturer at STAI Al-Fatah, Bogor/Chairman of LBIPI Al-Fatah), Ir. Niel Makinuddin, M.Sc. (Environmental Expert Staff for the Governor of East Kalimantan), and H. Arief Rahman, S.E. (General Head of MINA News Agency, Jakarta).

Overall Taklim Akbar Center for Muslim Jama’ah Muslimin (Hizbullah) Year 1443 H/2022 itself will be held on 13-17 Sha’ban 1443H/16-20 March 2022 with the big theme “Strengthening Ukhuwah and the People’s Economy Towards the Liberation of Al-Aqsa Through Momentum Ramadan”.

Deni said the annual end of Sha’ban activity initiated by Jama’ah Muslimin (Hizbullah) is a moment of muhasabah and preparation for welcoming Ramadan in the Tabligh Akbar 1443 H.

“This activity is so essential as a call or symbol of unity and brotherhood in a leadership system that only leads to the pleasure of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala,” he said.

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Deni also explained that this year’s Jama’ah Muslimin (Hizbullah) Central Taklim event series consisted of three events, in addition to the tabligh akbar. The first is the implementation of the Musabaqoh Cinta Al-Aqsa, which is a student competition activity for the Al-Fatah Islamic Boarding School network throughout Indonesia.

The activity is intended to find out the development of the coaching program in the Al-Fatah Islamic Boarding School network which already has 34 branches throughout Indonesia.

The competitions that are contested are reading the yellow book, Arabic-English speech, scientific writing competition in the Islamic world, and a short video competition on the development of Islamic Da’wah in Indonesia.

Second, the International Women’s Conference for the Liberation of Al-Aqsa and Palestine 2022. International webinar activity that discusses the conditions and solidarity of Palestinian women and children prisoners.

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The conference which was held on Thursday, March 17, 2022, presented expert speakers and practitioners, as well as Palestinian activists. The participants of this activity are women leaders and activists throughout the archipelago and internationally.

Third, the Al-Aqsa Expo, which will be held on Saturday-Sunday, 19-20 March 2022, is an exhibition in the form of photos and videos exploring the struggle for the liberation of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Palestine, along with activities and programs held by institutions under the auspices of Jama’ah Muslimin (Hizbullah).

Taklim Center is an annual activity held every year by the Muslim community unit Jama’ah Muslimin (Hizbullah). This activity was held as a means of da’wah, studying, forum for friendship, establishing ukhuwah with Brothers in all regions in Indonesia, and welcoming the holy month of Ramadan. (L/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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