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SHURA Calls on UNSC to Conduct Referendum for Kashmir

siti aisyah - Sunday, 3 March 2019 - 14:46 WIB

Sunday, 3 March 2019 - 14:46 WIB

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Chariman of SHURA Abdul Ghani Shamsuddin (photo:

Kuala Lumpur, MINA – The Secretariate for Assembly of Ulama of Asia (Shura) calls for United National Security Council to conduct a referendum to allow Kashmiris to decide the right for self determination.

Chairman of SHURA Abdul Ghani Shamsuddin said, the more than 7 decades of occupation by India have disallowed the people of Kashmir in Jammu-Kashmir to determine their future as a free and liberated territory.

“We see the continuos suppression of their rights has resulted in the degrading situation of the Kashmiris. The worst finding  are the unnamed and unknown mass graves of Kashmiris who are victims of massacres by the Indian army,” Abdul Ghani said in a written statement received by MINA on Saturday, March 2.

The recent situation in Kashmir has been escalating into a very highly charged relation  between India and Pakistan.

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“We see that the Pakistan’s  gesture to resolve the conflict by initiating a dialog and offering to release the captured pilot of the Indian force should be a signal, that war must be avoided. All world leaders should support and applaud the show of restraint by Imran Khan, the Prime Minister of Pakistan,” he said.

He stressed, de-escalating efforts is the best option which should be to be accepted by India. PM Narenda Modi of India cannot be allowed to capitalized on the tension with Pakistan to gain political mileage. Tackling the Kashmiri’s plight should have be the main fundamental agenda if the world wants to resolve the dispute.

“We call the international Muslim scholars to raise their concern on the Kashmir issue. They need to guide the political divide between India and Pakistan through unvailing the historical facts. Base on historical  truth the crisis should be able to resolve  the claims over the disputed Kashmir,”

Ghani added, call for all Muslims to take on the responsibility of protecting the human rights of Kashmir Muslims. It is the unity of all Muslims that will give the strenght to the ummah to alleviate the plight of the Kashmiris.

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“We call on all masjid in Malaysia and the whole world, to express the condemnation against any violation that victimizes the civilians of Kashmir , to deliver special Friday sermons and also to read prayers for the people of Kashmir,” he added. (R/Ais/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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