Shooting Incident at MUI Office Jakarta, Two Staff Injured

Jakarta, MINA – There was a shooting incident at the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) office on Proklamasi Street, Central Jakarta on Tuesday afternoon.

Deputy Head of MUI Anwar Abbas said that there had been a shooting at the MUI Central office. However, there were no fatalities, only injuries in the incident.

“An employee in the building was injured, that’s right,” said Buya Anwar Abbas in a written statement.

From the circulating pictures, you can see broken glass at the front door of the MUI office. A person in a checkered shirt suspected of being the perpetrator was also arrested.

A shooting occurred at the headquarters of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), Central Jakarta. Information received, two employees were injured as a result of the incident. The perpetrator’s motive is not yet known.

This information was conveyed by the Twitter account @facialwashh. In the account it was revealed that the shooter was carried out by an unknown person.

“There was a shooting at the Jakarta MUI office by an unknown person. Several people were injured and taken to the hospital,” wrote the account quoted on Tuesday.

Responding to this, Central Jakarta Metro Police Head of Criminal Investigation Unit AKBP Hady Saputra Siagian said that he was currently conducting an investigation into the mass shooting incident.

“Checking the crime scene (TKP) again,” said Hady when contacted.

MUI has recently been active in giving statements regarding phenomena that have occurred in this country, such as the participation of the Israeli national team in the U-20 World Cup, polemics at the Az-Zaitun Islamic boarding school, and others. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)