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Reflections on Ramadan 10: Are Our Sins Forgiven?

sajadi - Sunday, 3 May 2020 - 18:39 WIB

Sunday, 3 May 2020 - 18:39 WIB


By Ali Farkhan Tsani, Director of Islamic Center Ma’had Tahfiz Daarut Tarbiyah Indonesia (DTI Foundation) Bekasi, West Java

Not felt, we passed the first ten days of Ramadan. We also felt the period of restriction due to Coronavirus outbreak.

Does the physical limitation also apply to the limitation of our obedience to Allah? That is, do not let because of distance restrictions make us not pray in congregation.

Do not let too because the limitation of activities makes us skip taraweeh prayers and tadarus Al-Quran on the nights of Ramadan. Also do not let because more at home makes us reluctant to give alms to those who are more in need.

Also Read: Enter Ramadan with a Heart Free of Envy and Hatred: Imaam Yakhsyallah

Then, we enter ten days of the second round of the holy month of Ramadan. For a moment evaluating ourselves, then we need to add speed racing again.

Increased amaliyah (good deeds) shows that we really want to get Allah’s forgiveness. A rare opportunity, this once-a-year momentum, we must not waste it.

We must be able to make a lockdown on all the words and deeds that do not support Ramadan fasting. While the opportunity is wide open during this large-scale limitation.

We no longer need to think back and forth, around shopping centers, to recreation areas, and trips out of town.

Also Read: Living in Congregation is Universal Phenomenon: Dr. Raiz Abdullah 

Such a great opportunity for forgiveness that God has given us, lest we do not get it.

Even the angels also pray for the ugliness of those who encounter Ramadan, but come out of it in a state of not getting God’s forgiveness. This prayer was guaranteed by the Prophet sallallaahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam.

As mentioned in the hadith. One time, the Prophet sallallaahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam climbed the pulpit to preach. When setting foot on the first step, he said “Aamiin”. The same thing he did when stepping on the second and third steps, he said “Aamiin.

After the prayer the Companions asked, O Messenger of Allah, why did you say Aamiin while climbing the stairs?

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Then the Prophet sallallaahu ’Alaihi Wasallam answered, Angel Gabriel delivered in front of me and prayed,” It is for those who have the opportunity to live with their parents but they cannot go to heaven. “Then I say, “Aamiin”.

Then the Archangel Gabriel prayed again, “Survive someone who if your name is mentioned but he does not say blessings upon you.”Then I say, “Aamiin”.

For the third time, Archangel Jibril prayed again, “It is for those who have the opportunity to live during the month of Ramadan, but their sins are not forgiven.” Then I also say “Aamiin”. (HR Ahmad).

This also shows that we must be more careful, more serious and better in carrying out God’s commands and leaving His prohibitions during this Ramadan. So, get the chance of God’s forgiveness.

Also Read: Imaam Yakhsyallah Says Muslims Should Balance Social, Personal Worship

May Allah help us become servants who are fond of dhikr, clever grateful and the better our deeds. Aamiin (AT/RE1)

Mi’raj News Ageny (MINA)

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