At the end of the sixth year of Hijriyah, the Prophet Muhammad wrote letters to a number of kings in Arabia and its surroundings. The goal is to invite them to convert to Islam.
When he wanted to write the letters, the Prophet was informed that kings would not accept letters unless they were given a stamp. Therefore, the Prophet Muhammad also made a silver stamp that read: “Muhammad Rasulullah Shalallahu alaihi wasallam.” This writing consists of three lines, one line Muhammad, one line Rasulullah, and one line Allah.
Then, the Prophet Muhammad chose several friends who had knowledge and experience to be envoys to the kings. The great scholar figure, Al Manshurfuri said, the Prophet Muhammad sent several envoys at the beginning of the month of Muharram, the seventh year of the Hijriyah.
One of the letters sent was to Kisra, King of Persia. Here are the contents.
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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
From Muhammad the messenger of Allah to Kisra the ruler of Persia. Peace be upon those who follow instructions, believe in Allah and His messenger, and testify that there is no god but Allah, the One and only Allah, without partner for Him, testify that Muhammad is His servant and messenger. I invite you with the call of Allah, for verily I am Allah’s Messenger to all mankind, to warn those who are alive and so that there is certainty (determination of punishment) against the disbelievers. Convert to Islam, you will be safe. If you refuse, you will shoulder the sins of the Magi.”
Sheikh Syafiyyurrahman Al Mubarakfuri in his book entitled The Life Journey of the Great Apostle Muhammad wrote, to deliver this letter the Prophet Muhammad chose Abdullah bin Hudzafah as-Sahmi.
When the letter was read to King Kisra, he tore it to pieces and said, “A lowly servant of my people dares to write his name before mine.”
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Hearing this news, the Prophet Muhammad said, “May Allah tear his kingdom apart.”
It is true that the words of the Prophet Muhammad were realized later. After reading the letter, Kisra wrote a letter to Badzan, his governor in Yemen. “Send two of your strong men to the Hijaz people so they will bring them to me.”
Then Badzan chose two of his men and sent them with a letter to the Prophet Muhammad. The letter contains an order to bring he Prophet to the king of Kisra. The Prophet also ordered that the two envoys meet him the next day.
At that time, there was a major uprising against Kisra carried out by members of his own family. It happened after his army suffered a heavy defeat against the army of the Roman Emperor.
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Shirawaih, the crown prince of Kisra, rises to attack his father then kills him and takes over the reins of power. This murder occurred on the night of Tuesday the 10th of Jumadil Ula, the seventh year of Hijriyah.
Prophet Muhammad knew about this matter through revelation. And, the next day, the two envoys came to meet the Prophet. The Prophet also informed the killing to both of them.
“Are you aware of what you’re saying?” asked the two messengers.
“We used to give you lighter threats, now, do you dare if we write down your words and report them to the king?” both said.
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The Prophet replied, “Go ahead”.
“Tell this to your king, say that this religion and my rule will achieve what Kisra has achieved and will reach the ends of the world. Also tell him, ‘If you convert to Islam, I will give you what is in your power and I will make you a king over your people’,” said the Prophet.
Then, both of them came out from the presence of the Prophet and returned to Badzan and told him everything. Not long after that, a letter arrived containing notification of Syirawaih’s murder of his father. In the letter, Shirawih said to him, “Pay attention to the person my father wrote to you about himself, and don’t make him angry until my orders come to you.”
This incident eventually became the reason for the conversion of Badzan and the Persians in Yemen to Islam. (T/RE1)
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Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)
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