Prince Sultan Annual Holy Quran and Sunnah Memorization Competition Kicks off in Jakarta

Indonesia Holds International Musabaqah of memorizing the Qur'an and Hadith for its seven year.
Indonesia holds international musabaqah of memorizing the Qur’an and Hadith for its seven year.

Jakarta, 11 Rajab 1437/18 April 2016 (MINA) – Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al Saud Annual Holy Quran and Sunnah Memorization Competition started here Monday night its activities at the level of ASEAN-Pacific and Central-Eastern Asia countries for its 7th year, held in collaboration with the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs.

The Competition is co-organized by the religious attaché office of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Embassy in Indonesia with participation of 103 contenders from 18 countries.

The organisers of the recitation of Al-qur’an and Hadith, which is scheduled to take place until April 20, said that they have actually invited participants from 25 countries, but only 18 coming up, Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) reported, quoting the news portal of the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs.

In addition to Indonesia as the host, the countries sending their qari  are the Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Cambodia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russian, Chinese, Brunei, Myanmar, New Zealand, Bosnia, Japan, Hong Kong, and East Timor.

Fifteen Indonesian participants were selected since they had won the Quran and Hadith memorizing competition at the national level.

The chairman of the competition Sobah Syamsi said the winners of the competition will get a prize money totaling 5000-24000 Riyal.

In addition, they will also be given the opportunity to perform the pilgrimage.

The contest is aimed at encouraging communities and young people to read, memorize, understand and practice the Quran as well as strengthen international relations among Muslims around the world.  (T/R07/R01)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)