Palestine Solidarity Action on Campus Spreads to McGill University in Canada

Montreal, MINA – The Palestine solidarity action at many college campuses in the United States have now reached McGill University, one of Canada’s prestigious institutions of higher education, in support of the Palestinian people amid the ongoing Israeli genocide, Wafa reports.

At McGill University, students raised a banner with the inscription “We will not allow our university to be complicit in genocide,” demanding support for the Palestinian people, as reported by Anadolu Agency.

Outside the campus in Montreal, students set up an encampment to express their support for Palestine, urging their university to divest from companies supporting Israeli genocide in Gaza and the rest of Palestine.

Previously, students at McGill University had staged a hunger strike in February to express their solidarity with the people of Gaza.

On April 18, pro-Palestine students at Columbia University in the United States began an encampment in the campus garden, protesting against the university’s ongoing investments in companies supporting the occupation of Palestine and the genocide in Gaza. During the protests, 108 students were arrested by police.

Subsequently, the student protests have spread to other leading universities in the United States, including New York University, Yale University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of North Carolina, and others. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)