
Al-Quds (Jerusalem), 18 Rajab 1435/17 May 2014 (MINA) – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told on Friday the US defence secretary Chuck Hagel that the Palestinian Authority (PA) cannot make peace with both Hamas and Israel at the same time and that Iran is fooling the world over its nuclear programme.

The Israeli media reported details about the discussion between the two officials. “One of the things we have found, unfortunately, is that our Palestinian neighbours (the PA) are moving ahead with a pact with Hamas,” Netanyahu told Hagel during they talks in al-Quds.

Netanyahu criticised Hamas and reminded Hagel that they are designated a terrorist organisation by the United States. He also said that Hamas and the PA incites against Israel, Middle East Monitor (MEMO) quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

“We are concerned too that in both Gaza and in the PA-controlled areas, there is continual incitement and propaganda against the very existence of the Jewish state,” he said, citing results of a recent study saying that “anti-Semitic incitement” in both places is the most troubling on earth.

“This is something I think hinders peace,” he said, “I think the Palestinians have to make a simple choice, a pact with Hamas or peace with Israel, but they cannot have both.”

Netanyahu told Hagel that Iran is violating international will as it continues to develop its intercontinental ballistic missiles and it nuclear programme.

The Israeli Prime Minister said: “We have been saying all along that Iran is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the international community. So I was not surprised, and I am sure you were not surprised, by the recent UN report on Iran’s ongoing efforts to deceive the international community.”

“It continues to develop its ballistic missiles and violates its commitments to the UNSC stipulations on forbidding it to develop certain parts of its nuclear program.”

Meanwhile, Hagel assured Netanyahu that the US would not allow Iran to own a nuclear weapon: “I want to assure you, Prime Minister and the people of Israel, of the United States’ continued commitment to ensuring Iran does not get a nuclear weapon, as President Obama has said, and that America will do what we must to live up to that commitment.”(T/P02/E01)

Mi’rj Islamic News Agency (MINA)

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