MER-C Optimizes Human Politics in Palestine Issues

Jakarta, MINA – The Chairman of the Presidium Medical Emergency Rescue Committee (MER-C) dr. Sarbini Abdul Murad said, as a humanitarian social organization that is engaged in medical emergencies and has a trustworthy, professional, neutral, independent, voluntary, and high mobility character, MER-C will continue to provide humanitarian assistance to the community and carry out humanitarian politics on the issue of Palestine.

“MER-C will always provide assistance, in the form of medicines and medical personnel. MER-C also optimizes humanitarian politics in the framework of defending the Palestinian people, “said dr. ben is the nickname of Sarbini Abdul Murad to MINA on Wednesday in Jakarta.

He explained that over time, the community’s expectations for MER-C were extraordinary and there were also many requests. So in the case of Paletina, MER-C will work optimally, until it gets its independence.

“When we see something that is done by certain parties that can cause someone’s death and harm the community at large, then in this Palestinian conflict, it is impossible for us to help humanity alone. What we do is also humanitarian politics. We criticize, give suggestions, this criticism means more to the verbal (statement), “said dr. Ben.

The physical construction of the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza began on May 14, 2011, built on an area of ​​16,261 m2, derived from the endowments of the Palestinian government in Gaza. After completing the construction and provision of medical equipment, the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza was handed over to the Palestinian Authority.

The volunteers came from the network of Al-Fatah Islamic boarding schools throughout Indonesia. The volunteer team for the construction of phase 2 of the Indonesian Hospital left for the Gaza Strip in February 2019, released by the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan. They come from several areas such as Lampung, Palembang, Medan (North Sumatra), Pontianak (West Kalimantan), Samarinda (East Kalimantan) and Wonogiri, Central Java. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)