Israeli Notifications Endorse Conficsation of 69 Dunums in Qalqilia

Photo: PIC

Qalqilia,21 Jumadil Akhir 1438/20 March 2017 (MINA) – The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) delivered on Monday new notifications endorsing the confiscation of dozens of dunums of Palestinian lands in Jayyous and Falamiya towns, east of Qalqilia.

The local resident Jihad Qaddoumi as saying that the issued notifications endorsed the confiscation of 169 dunums which were seized by the Israeli occupation authorities four years ago, the Palestinian Information Center (PIC) reported.

The 169 confiscated dunums, located behind the Apartheid Wall, were fenced four years ago by an Israeli military order and all trees on those dunums were uprooted, Qaddoumi added.

He pointed out that 6,000 dunums of the two towns’ lands are completely isolated behind Israel’s Apartheid Wall.

Jayyous municipality has warned Monday against Israeli land grab plans at the expense of Palestinian lands, adding that it will pursue all possible legal means to restore any usurped land lots in the town.(T/R04/RS5)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)