Israel to Move 250 Thousand Citizens to Golan

Israeli Jews. (Photo: Yossi Zeliger / Flash90)

Tel Aviv, MINA – Israel government plan to move as 250,000 its citizens to the Golan Heights region, Syria, for the next 30 years, according to an Israeli Broadcasting Authority (IBA) report on Monday.

The report came out a week after US President, Donald Trump signed a presidential decree recognizing the Golan Heights as “the territory of Israel”, according to Anadolu Agency (AA).

The report also revealed Israel’s plans to include construction of two new Jewish settlements in the Golan, thousands of new residential units, and transportation and tourism projects in the region.

Population of the Golan Heights is currently around 50 thousand, including 22 thousand Israeli settlers.

Israel has long pushed Washington to acknowledge its claim to Golan that captured from Syria in 1967 Arab-Israeli Six-Day War. (T/Sj/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)