Israel Demolish 318 Facilities, Uproot 10,000 Olive Trees in West Bank This Year

West Bank, MINA – Israeli occupation forces demolished 318 facilities, distributed notices to demolish 359 others under the pretext that they do not have licences and uprooted 10,000 olive trees in the occupied West Bank during the first half of the year, a Palestinian body has revealed, MEMO reported.

In a statement issued yesterday, the Wall and Settlement Resistance Authority said the Israeli occupation authorities have carried out 243 demolition operations in the first half of this year, during which they demolished 318 facilities in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, which affected 632 people, including 292 children and 199 women.

According to the statement, Israeli occupation forces have carried out 7,681 attacks against Palestinians, including 1,334 attacks carried out by illegal settlers, which killed seven Palestinians.

“The [Israeli] occupation authorities have reviewed a total of 83 structural plans for the expansion of settlements or the establishment of new settlements including 39 plans for settlements in the West Bank, and 44 plans for settlements in East Jerusalem,” it added.

The authority’s statement quoted its head, Muayyad Shaaban, as saying that “the reality of the West Bank lands, including Jerusalem, has actually entered a very sensitive stage.”

“The danger of what the occupation is doing these days is represented by the legislative and legal incubator, through which [Israel] the occupying state is striving to install measures with a strategic dimension, aiming to control and annex large areas of the Palestinian territories,” he added. (T/R3/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)