International Al-Quds Day, Iran Affirms Support for Palestinian Independence

International Al-Quds Day, Iran Affirms Support for Palestinian Independence (photo special)

Jakarta, MINA – Commemorating International Al-Quds Day which falls on every last Friday in the month of Ramadan, Iran reiterates its strong support for Palestinian independence.

“The founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ayatullah Ruhollah Khomeini has set the last Friday of Ramadan as” International Al-Quds Day “to support
Palestinian independence. This year it falls on May 22, 2020, “said a written statement from the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Jakarta received by MINA, Thursday.

Al-Quds International Day is commemorated by various communities in almost 80 countries to voice against Zionists and defend Baitul Maqdis.

“Even this year even though the COVID-19 pandemic has limited community activities in various countries of the world, the delivery of international solidarity to the Palestinian people through various innovative ways will still be conveyed with the same slogan,” The Failure of the Ages of the Century and the consolidation of Palestinian ideals, ” said the embassy.

Iran considers the importance of “International Al-Quds Day” can be seen from several aspects, namely to revive the Palestinian issue, support the Palestinian oppressed people and their resistance against tyranny, uprooting the roots of friction in the Islamic world, fighting terrorism in the form of colonialism and condemning the intervention of major forces in the region .

There are three important reasons that make the issue of Palestine a major issue for the Muslim world, namely the identity of Palestinian Religion as an important area for various religions, especially Islam, the identity of the occupation of the Israeli Zionist regime which continues to smoothen its occupation and expansionist policies and the identity of the coalition between the West and the Zionist regime Israel to continue to divide and spread duality between Muslims with the aim of continuing their occupation.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran considers a democratic and political solution to the Palestinian issue is to give the right of self-determination to the Palestinian people by returning all Palestinian refugees to their homeland and holding a comprehensive and free referendum throughout the Palestinian territories followed by all native Palestinians before The United Nations (UN), “he stressed.

Iran also invites all countries of the world, especially Muslim countries, to fully support the resistance and struggle of the Palestinian people and assist the process of resolving the Palestinian problem in a fair and democratic manner. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)