Indonesia-UAE Follow Up on Religious Cooperation

Jakarta, MINA – The governments of Indonesia and the United Arab Emirates agreed to immediately follow up on religious cooperation which is delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The agreement was discussed in a video conference between the Minister of Religion Fachrul Razi and the Chairman of the General Authority for Islamic Affairs and the Endowments of the UAE, Mohammaed bin Matar al Kaabi.

Previously, in January 2020 the Government of Indonesia and the UAE had signed 16 cooperation agreements in various fields, one of which is the religious field.

“To follow up on the agreement that we have signed, we can conduct meetings online as at present,” said Minister of Religion Fachrul Razi on Tuesday.

In line with the Minister of Religion, Chairman of the General Authority for Islamic Affairs and Endowments of the UAE Mohammed bin Matar al Kaabi stated his readiness to form a team as well as to conduct intensive communication to carry out cooperation programs.

“We will immediately form a team to follow up on the MOU. Later the team will provide reports and hold meetings regularly, either weekly or per 15 days, “Mohammed said.

The team which will be formed from the two countries, will then discuss technical matters related to cooperation programs in the field of religion to be carried out.

Some of the cooperation programs that will be carried out include, fostering of Islamic prayer and imam, sending of mosque imams, as well as printing Al-Qur’an manuscripts.

“We can later have an online meeting which is followed by the Minister every three months,” suggested Mohammed.

In the conference that lasted less than an hour, the two state officials also shared about how to deal with Covid-19 in their respective countries, especially related to the implementation of worship in a mosque.

“We have not opened mosques like our neighboring countries have done. Some neighboring countries have already opened mosques, but then have closed again, “said Mohammed al Kaabi.

On the contrary, the Minister of Religion said that the Indonesian government had permitted the worship to be held in a mosque or mosque.

“Only a few days ago we allowed it, we will evaluate it a week later. The worship service in the house of worship is now certainly done by paying attention to the established health protocol. Starting from there is a temperature detection device, keep a distance, wear a mask, wash your hands or use a hand sanitizer, “he concluded. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)