Jakarta, MINA – Several organizations which are joined by the Indonesian Consortium for Liberation of Al-Aqsa (ICLA) in cooperation with the provincial government of Lampung will host the first International Muslim Youth Conference for Palestine and Al-Quds on Monday – Wednesday, April 30-May 2, 2018 in Bandar Lampung, Lampung province.
According to the Chairman of ICLA, Muhammad Anshorullah said the objectives of the conference are three; Strengthening friendship amongst International Youth Muslim; pioneering efforts to liberate Palestine and al-Aqsa Mosque integratedly between international Islamic youth activists; as well as to establish an understanding of the liberation of al-Aqsa to international community.
“Islam from the very beginning was very much concerned about the role of youth. The various wars in history proved that youth can be the spearhead and the victory can be achieved with their role, “Anshorullah said in a written statement received by MINA on Monday.
This conference that will be held for three days takes theme “Building cooperation between International Youth Muslim to Liberate Palestine and Al Aqsa Mosque”.
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The conference will invite at least 200 individual and institutional participants from 20 countries, primarily a country that supports Palestinian independence at the United Nations.
The conference is scheduled to be opened by Foreign Minister Retno LP. Marsudi, with domestic and foreign speakers; Lampung Governor, Ambassador of Palestine Zuhair S.M. Al Shun, Adviser of ICLA Imaam Yakhsyallah Mansur, Chairman of Muhammadiyah Youth Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak, Director of Middle Eastern Studies University of Indonesia, DR. Abdul Muta’alli, Head of Sub Directorate of Middle East, Directorate of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nanda Avalist, M.Si, Senior Lecturer of the University Kebangsaan Malaysia DR. Abdul Malik, Al Quds Foundation Malaysia DR.Shareef Abu Shamalah, Mufti Lebanon DR. Amin Kurdi, Imam Al Aqsa Mosque Sheikh Mustafa Mohammad Abdel Rahman Tawil, Youth Jama’ah Muslimin (Hizbullah) and activist Mavi Marmara Ir. Nur Ikhwan Abadi.
ICLA is an association of humanitarian institutions and organizations that focus their work on the Palestinian issue and mobilizing any support to liberate it from the Israeli occupation.
The member of the ICLA are the Syubban Jama’ah Muslimin (Hizbullah), Aqsa Working Group (AWG), Miraj News Agency (MINA), Silaturahim Network, Shuffah Al Qur’an Abdullah bin Mas’ud (STQABM), Al Fatah foundation, Ukhuwah Al Fatah Rescue (UAR), and the Medical Emergency Rescue Committee (MER-C), which known as the initiator of Indonesian Hospital in Gaza . (LT/R04/P2)
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Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)