Peace in Palestine = Peace in the World



Imaam Yakhsyallah Mansur: Liberation of Palestine is the Responsibility of All Humanity

sajadi - Thursday, 2 November 2023 - 17:34 WIB

Thursday, 2 November 2023 - 17:34 WIB


Jakarta, MINA – Imaam Yakhsyallah Mansur emphasized that all mankind has a great responsibility to help and liberate oppressed people, especially those in Palestine, who are experiencing Zionist Israel’s atrocities and crimes against humanity.

Imaam Yakhsyallah Mansur, as the Supervisor of the Aqsa Working Group (AWG) said this at the Opening Speech for the 2023 Palestine Solidarity Month (BSP), AWG’s collaboration with the DPR RI Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP), in Special Committee Room B, Nusantara II Building DPR RI, Jakarta on Wednesday.

“The Word of Allah states, in Surah Al-Hajj verse 40, which explains that the people who are permitted to fight are people who have been expelled from their hometowns and had their property taken without good reason, because they have not done anything wrong,” he said.

According to him, the Palestinian crisis is not solely a religious matter. However, it is a conflict between the colonized nation and the colonialists, hostility between the oppressed nation and the oppressors, a war between countries that want to be independent and regain their rights and those who want to perpetuate their colonial desires, colonialism.

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“What Zionist Israel is doing to the Palestinian people is aggression, colonization, oppression and human rights violations. “Apart from violating international law, these despicable acts are certainly contrary to the teachings of any religion in the world,” he stressed.

The suffering of the Palestinian people should unite people in this world who have a conscience, wherever they come from, to condemn the barbarity of Zionist Israel. On the other hand, supporting the struggle of the Palestinian people to be free from colonialism and regain their rights is imperative, because defending them means defending humanity, he added.

Nationally, he continued, helping colonized peoples is a Constitutional Mandate, as stated in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution, which explicitly states, “Indeed, independence is the right of all nations and therefore, colonialism in the world must be abolished, because it is not in accordance with humanity and justice.”

“Whoever is the leader of our beloved country, the Republic of Indonesia, always stands at the forefront in supporting the struggle for Palestinian independence. “From the time of this country’s founding father, Bung Karno, to the current President Joko Widodo, and later the next President,” he said.

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“Moreover, in historical records, we, the Indonesian people, have a debt to the Palestinian people, which of course must be paid in cash. “This big debt is the first country in the world to recognize Indonesian independence, namely Palestine,” he added.

Reject Al-Aqsa Division

Imaam Yakhsyallah Mansur looked at the condition of the Al Aqsa Mosque, a place that Allah Ta’ala glorified, as He mentioned, its condition is also very worrying, under the control of the Israeli Zionist occupation, experiencing Judaization at any time, and in the design of the division of time and place.

The Israeli Zionist authorities are planning that the Aqsa Masjdil will be divided into two, 70% for Jews, and only 30% for Muslims, he continued.

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“This cannot be left alone, without resistance and defense,” said Imaam Yakhsyallah Mansur, quoting Allah’s word, Surah Al-Baqarah verse 114.

The event was opened by Dr. Fadli Zon, Chairman of the Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP) DPR RI, welcomed the Palestinian Ambassador Dr Zuhair Al Shun, and was attended by several ambassadors from friendly countries, and around 100 participants from members of the Council, MUI Leaders, Islamic Organizations, Humanitarian Institutions, students and mass media.

The prominent poet Taufik Ismail appeared reading his poem “Palestine How Can I Forget You”. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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