Jakarta, 21 Shawwal 1436/6 August 2015 (MINA) – Member of the House of Representatives (DPR) Commission IV Almuzzammil Yusuf said the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) needs to promote marine and fisheries industry sector because of its promising prospect and its relation to other business sectors.
“Industries associated with marine and fisheries sector should also be further promoted due to its bright prospect,” said Mr. Yusuf in Jakarta, Wednesday .
According to him, there are many industries related to the marine and fisheries sector, among others, the tourism, shipbuilding, and fishing gear industry, as well as the fish processing industry.
He also saw an attracting potential and profit from marine and fisheries sector, if managed professionally. Infopublik quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agnecy (MINA) as reporting.
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In addition, he also wanted the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti to create policies that prioritize the budgeting in a variety of programs related directly to the fishermen and fish farmers.
Indonesia is a maritime country in which two-thirds of its area is ocean. However, unfortunately, the potential of the ocean is yet not maximized as possible. It can be seen from the lack of legal protection related to marine in Indonesia.
If the potential for marine Indonesia can be maximized as possible, it can lift Indonesia’s welfare of its people, even more than that, Indonesia will also get benefit from the ocean which could reach $ 800 billion per year. (T/P008/R03)
Miraj Islamic News Agnecy (MINA)
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