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Five Disobedience That Brings Punishment

sajadi - Monday, 2 January 2023 - 17:28 WIB

Monday, 2 January 2023 - 17:28 WIB


By: Imaam Yakhsyallah Mansur

Imaam Jama’ah Muslimin (Hizbullah) KH. Yakhsyallah Mansur conveyed the five disobediences that were the cause of doom.

He said this in the tausiyah of the Taklim Markaz II Al-Muhajirun event, with the theme ‘Disasters and Disasters as Advice from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala to Improve Ukhuwah Islamiyah by Living in Congregation. The event was held at the An-Nubuwwah Mosque, Shuffah Hezbollah Islamic Boarding School and Madrasah Al-Fatah, Al-Muhajirun, Negararatu, Natar, South Lampung on Sunday.

According to Yakhsyallah, the first act of disobedience was denying the verses of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.

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“Like the meaning of Allah’s word which is said in surah Al-A’raf verse 96, if the inhabitants of the lands had believed and were pious, We would have surely bestowed upon them blessings from the heavens and the earth, but they denied (Our verses), so We punished them because of what they did,” said Imaam.

Second, associate partners with Allah. “God said in the Surah Maryam verses 90-91 which means, the sky almost broke because of that speech, and the earth was split open, and the mountains collapsed, because they accused Allah, the Most Gracious, of having children,” he said.

According to Imaam, by uttering the accusation that Allah has a child is what makes Allah angry, so that Allah gives punishment to those who associate partners with Him.

Third, against the orders of the Prophet. Yakhsyallah said, the Prophet’s orders should be carried out correctly and earnestly so as to avoid Allah’s punishment.

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“Some examples include congregating in mosques for brothers and sisters and obedience to their husbands for sisters, educating children as well as possible, and increasing the number of hours of reading the Quran,” he said.

Fourth disobedience, the loss of brotherhood among Muslims. “Allah said, As for those who disbelieve, some of them become protectors for others. If you (O Muslims) do not carry out what Allah has commanded, there will undoubtedly be chaos on earth and great destruction,” he explained.

As for what is meant by “what is ordered”, said Imaam, namely the necessity of a strong brotherhood between Muslims.

Fifth, the spread of disobedience. “Rasulullah said, what we translated was simpler so that it was easy to understand into 13 points including the spread of immorality including circulating assets to certain people, trust as a source of profit, zakat is made into debt, people learn not because of religion, husbands submit to wives, disobedient children distance themselves from his father and close to his friends,” said Imaam.

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Apart from that, voices are raised in mosques, lowly people become figures, people are glorified for their crimes, wicked people become leaders, singers and music are evenly distributed, khamr is drunk everywhere, also the last generation curses friends.

“That is part of the disobedience that brings punishment. Therefore, if we want to be safe from the doom above, we must avoid immorality,” said Imaam. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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