Despite the Rainstorm, Thousands of Palestinian Perform Prayer in Al-Aqsa

Al-Quds, MINA – Even though a rainstorm flushed the Jerusalem area, thousands of residents from various areas in Palestine continued to perform the Fajr prayer in congregation on Friday at the Aqsa Mosque.

Al-Quds Online reported Israeli security forces seemed soaked and troubled blocking pilgrims at the entrance of mosque area to courtyard.

Residents continued to flock at Al-Aqsa amid all the crackdown of occupation of the holy city and the ban on the Imam of Aqsa Mosque, Ikrimah Sabri from entering the mosque for a week.

The occupying forces attacked some of worshipers and fired a barrage of tear gas to pressure the pilgrims entering Al-Aqsa.

Israeli Forces also confiscated drinks and food brought by residents to prevent the worshipers.

Thousands of residents departed from the city of Jerusalem, its suburbs, cities and various regions, as well as several hundred residents from the interior of Palestine.

“This is the Fajr prayer in congregation at Al-Aqsa to confirm our attachment,” one of the worshipers said.

Many neighborhoods and cities in Jerusalem have allocated free and mass buses to transport pilgrims to Al-Aqsa since midnight.

Meanwhile, the police were overwhelmed to check the arrival of buses that came continuously until Fajr. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)