By: Moehammad Amar Ma’ruf/Charge d’Affaires a.i. of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Tripoli-Libya
The pandemic of covid 19 has shaken the world economy into malaise situation. The developed world economy had contracted until – 4, 3% (2020). Meanwhile contraction in the developing countries is recorded until -2, 4 % (2020).
In 2021, it is good to see that the economic development in every country in the world projected to growth gradually. The World Bank/IMF has projected world growth will be around 5.5 % and in developing economies or emerging market, it will be around 6.3 %. Even though those figures are still projected and the pandemic still not over, it is firmly believed that the growth should continue to be promoted.
The above mentioned data show that economic growth in the developing countries is still higher than in the developed countries. It is quite significance differences and it is interesting to be studied in order to get positive return to the world economy as a whole. This effort is surely needs specific requirement through unprecedented adaptation.
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Adaptation process always needs patience to achieve projected target of growth that will open new opportunities and gain economic confidence, especially to grass root. At the same time, during this era, adaptation also must respect not only to the protocol of Covid 19 itself but also to local condition.
This dynamic situation needs substantial measures that will maintain their people economic activities. It is admitted this process of adaptation and measures that will be taken are not as easy as being talked. It needs some wise, brilliant and technical breakthrough that needs specific capacity and collaboration.
It is a fact that doing economic activities are always valuable if that activities involved massive human empowerment and involvement. This pattern will generate source of income and create job opportunities for peoples. Under this pandemic situation human involvement is risky but at the same time it needs to be channeled with proper protocol to avoid setback.
It is fortunate moment that world witnesses global impact of information technology. The development of this technology has al least two side effects, first it make world seems borderless, and second it can reduce gap due to some limitation of movement. These effects can enrich policy maker to design strategic plan to minimize this unprecedented challenges and synergized with local condition.
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During this non natural disaster, especially during pandemic, the utilization of technology seems inevitably to be applied. It may slim the utilization of manpower and affect the pattern of economic activities. Furthermore, it means it will challenge to the world especially in the developing world or less developed world that focus massive deployment at work field to familiarize with this technology. In this situation, all sectors must adapt and hand in hand to implement economic system that respect Protocol Covid 19.
To join with the program of recovery of economy during this pandemic and respect the Protocol Covid 19, one of the important players that very fragile in the economic sector is the Small and Medium Enterprises. And if we see to the Gross Domestic Products (GDP) of the developing world, the economic analysts say that economic pillar of the developing countries are sustained by the Small and Medium Enterprises/SME. These enterprises are also known as a pillar for sustainable creative economy.
This creative economic model actually appeared among business practices of Small and Medium Enterprises. To show Indonesian commitment, Indonesia also has succeeded in initiating the UN General Assembly Resolution No. 74/198 that declares the year of 2021 as the International Creative Economy. In this connection, Indonesia is preparing the second international conference on creative economy in the middle of 2021 in Bali-Indonesia.
In the case of Indonesia, in national level, in the era of pandemic, contribution of this sector to Gross Domestic Product/GDP is recorded almost the same 60 % with the level of manpower involvement less 1-2 % than the previous years which recorded almost 97 %. In the year of 2021, the contribution of SME is projected until 61 %. This sector is being given all collaborative attention and efforts to maintain its performance.
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This above percentage describe moderate and realistic target. For achieving this target, Indonesian government and its stakeholders collaboratively support the upgrade class program of Small and Medium Enterprises by improving of level of productivity, level of innovative ways and level of adaptation process. These 3 approaches are done to cover the enhancement of production and institutions, markets expansion, digitization and financing, and export access. This effort is quite succeed in maintaining the contribution of the Indonesian SME to increase its contribution to the Gross Domestic Products around 60 % and provide job for 97 %.
It seems that upgrading class of small and medium enterprises is a must and must be promoted in this era and in the years to come along with progressive approaches and integrated regulation from Government and other related stakeholders.
To spread this model experiences, the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia has initiated and bridged some measures in collaboration with Libyan Chamber especially through Chamber of Commerce of Tripoli and Indonesian technical institution that called SMESCO to open communication. Thanks God, at the beginning of the year 2021, The Embassy has initiated and witnessed the signing of Letter of Intent between Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Agriculture of Tripoli and Marketing Service Body for the Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperation which is called SMESCO-Indonesia.
This intention is prospective effort to support all related stakeholders in the two countries in supporting the creative economic. If we are all aware that world creative economic will ensure cooperation/collaboration, developing ecosystem, promotion, empowering sustainable development, cultural heritage and diversity. In this regards, Libya and Indonesia are well-known with its diversity and heritages.
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The Letter of Intention that already exist in the desk of SMESCO and Chamber of Libya/Tripoli will be directing to work virtually in promoting virtual cooperation in the area small and medium enterprises products; exchanging best practices for upgrading the quality of the related products; and joint exhibition and seminar on small and medium products.
Beside this existing opportunity, the Embassy also appreciates any promotion information that being shared by the economic and trade institutions and business stakeholders in Libya relating to the planned economic and trade agenda. This measure is positive to fortify bilateral economic and trade and investment which direct and indirectly will contribute to the all economic stakeholder growth performance in general and to the all creative economic stakeholders growth performance in particular.
May Allah the Almighty God give us right direction to contribute positive performance during this pandemic era and in the years to come. Aaameen Ya Robbal ‘Aaalameen.(AK/R1)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)