Bogor Mayor Bima Arya is infected with Covid-19

Bogor Regency, MINA – Bogor Mayor Bima Arya tested positive for coronavirus (Covid-19) based on test results released on Thursday afternoon, March 19.

The Acting Head of the Bogor Health Office Sri Nowo Retno said Bima Arya underwent treatment and isolation at Bogor Regional General Hospital (RSUD) for at least the next 14 days.

Bima just did a work visit to Turkey some time ago. Five officials from the group underwent Covid-19 examination.

“In addition to the Mayor of Bogor, the test results also stated that one of the other city government officials tested positive for Covid-19,” Sri Nowo said in a press release on Friday.

Through the video he uploaded on his Instagram account, Bima Arya said he had no significant symptoms and only felt a small cough.

“I decided to follow protocols and procedures for self-isolation,” he said.

Bima asked Bogor residents and the public to be aware of Covid-19 transmission, keep a distance, and not leave the house except for urgent needs.

Previously, Indonesian Transportation minister Budi Karya Sumadi was positively infected by this new type of coronavirus and is currently being treated in a hospital in Jakarta. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)