BNI Syariah Supports Launch A Book of “Jurus Sehat Rasulullah”

Jakarta, MINA – BNI Syariah supports the launch of the book “Jurus Sehat Rasulullah” by Ustadz Dr. Zaidul Akbar.  The book launch took place at Hall A Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) Senayan on Saturday, February 29.

Attending the BNI Syariah Retail & Network Business SEVP Iwan Abdi, BNI Syariah Corporate Secretary and Communication Division Head Bambang Sutrisno, Deputy Director of BNI Syariah Retail Fund Division Nurcahyo Dwi Artianto, author of Ustaz Dr. Zaidul Akbar, Co Chairman of Syaamil Group Halfino Berry, and Director of Sygma Daya Insani Beny Jayadi.

Iwan Abdi said that the book is in accordance with BNI Syariah corporate values, Hasanah.

“Hasanah means” all goodness “for oneself, society, nation, and state, both in the world and the hereafter,” Iwan Abdi said in a written statement received by MINA.

Maintaining health is one of the obligations of Muslims, which can be realized by following the pattern of the Prophet’s life.

BNI Syariah hopes that this book can be useful in helping the process of moving the community in all aspects including health, by utilizing medical science in accordance with the Qur’an and the Sunnah, namely thubbun nabawi.

The launching of the book is also in line with Hasanah Banking Partner’s values ​​and commitment to carry out the strategic theme of “Embracing New Opportunities” this year. BNI Syariah is ready to seize new opportunities and become better partners, one of which is by supporting the launch of the Islamic health book.

The aim of Rasulullah’s Healthy Stance is to push back to health guidelines in line with the Qur’an and the sunnah of the Prophet.

In this book explained that the perfection of religion, must be related to health because all aspects of prevention, improvement of health, and treatment, it has been explained by the Messenger of Allah easily and simply.  (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)