As 20.000 Worshipers Perform Friday Prayer at Aqsa Mosque

Jerusalem, MINA – Around 20,000 worshipers flocked to take part in Friday prayer at Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

Most of the worshipers had been present since the dawn prayer in congregation, amid the spread of Israeli occupation police at the gates and a strict examination of the identities of the youth and residents, Sama Al-Akhbariyah reports

The Director of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Omar Al-Kiswani, said that they had taken all necessary steps to protect worshipers from the coronavirus, which was also the concern of his government.

Officers have sterilized the entire prayer hall, before and after the prayer in congregation. Some worshipers also wear masks to cover the nose and mouth.

The preacher in his sermon also reminded worshipers to step up efforts to prevent the coronavirus outbreak.

The number of pilgrims was reduced by almost half compared to last Friday amid the corona virus issue that is currently endemic in the world.

“There is no communication with the occupation police, and you are not asking us to close the Al-Aqsa Mosque as the issue is circulating,” Al-Kiswani said. (T/R7/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)