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An Indonesian Female Ulema Receives Doctorate at Al Azhar University in Cairo with Highest Predicate

sajadi - Tuesday, 27 February 2024 - 19:18 WIB

Tuesday, 27 February 2024 - 19:18 WIB


Cairo, MINA – Indonesian female Ulema, Iffatul Umniati Ismail, successfully defended her doctoral dissertation with the highest Summa Cumlaude distinction in Ushul Jurisprudence at Al-Azhar (Princess) University in Cairo, Egypt, Sunday, February 25 2024, coinciding with 15 Sha’ban 1445 Hijriyah.

In a written statement received by MINA on Tuesday, his dissertation entitled “Ijtihad and Fatwa in Responding to Contemporary Legal Issues: Study of MUI Fatwas in the Perspective of Ushul Fiqh Science” with a thickness of 690 pages received a lot of praise.

In his study of the fatwas of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), promovendus explained that the MUI has two tendencies that appear to be contradictory in its approach to a new problem.

Sometimes the MUI, he said, appears to be very careful and burdensome by issuing fatwas regarding the prohibition of certain types of food that are commonly consumed by the public.

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On the other hand, the MUI sometimes seems to make things easier or easier when issuing fatwas in the medical and medical fields.

Must Distinguish Between “Necessity” and “Emergency”

The arguments that form the legal basis for the MUI fatwa are also inseparable from the promovendus’ critical analysis.

The only woman who has ever been Chair of PCINU Egypt IV emphasized that there must be a distinction between “needs” and “emergencies” by referring to the views of classical scholars.

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When a medical procedure is considered a necessity that can be positioned as an emergency, then a fatwa is only valid until the emergency aspect can be resolved.

According to Iffatul Umniati, don’t easily declare a need to validate a change in law from haram to permissible, without more mature and comprehensive consideration.

Acting as promoter Prof. Dr. Suheir Rashad Mahna, Professor of Ushul Fiqh, Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies, and Co-Promoter, Prof. Dr. Turkiyah Mostafa El Sherbini, Professor of Ushul Fiqh of Islamic and Arabic Studies.

Meanwhile, the examiners, Prof. Dr. Mostafa Farag Fayyadh, Professor of Ushul Fiqh, Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies, Al Azhar University Prov. Kafr El Sheikh and Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Hamed Utsman, Professor of Ushul Fiqh, Sharia Qanun, Al Azhar University, Thanta Province.

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They expressed their admiration and expressed their appreciation and pride for the dissertation written by Iffatul Umniati.

“Promovendus has written a high quality dissertation that applies Al-Azhar’s classical sciences in a modern context; regarding how we should respond to contemporary issues. “And this is a dissertation that should be read widely,” said Dr. Mahmoud.

For this reason, he suggested that a “lighter” version of this dissertation should be made so that it can be enjoyed by the lay public.

Meanwhile, Prof. Mostafa Farag Fayyadh recommends that this dissertation be given important notes explaining the meaning of each classical and modern term contained in it. Because there are readers from lay circles, there are also readers who understand classical terms but are not familiar with modern idioms.

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In his dissertation presentation, Promovendus, who has been on the board of PP Fatayat NU and LKK PBNU for two periods, stated that it is very urgent nowadays to mainstream collective ijtihad, noting that every member of the collective ijtihad institution should have adequate qualifications to carry out studies of Islamic law. straight from the source.

This is so that we can answer current problems. The members of this collective ijtihad institution are not sufficient in their representative capacity alone; for example, because it represents a certain segment of society or an organization. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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