Al-Quds International Institution Urges Jordan to Reject “Political Ploy” Against Aqsa

Occupied Jerusalem, MINA – Al-Quds International Institution has appealed to the Jordanian leadership to reject what it was described as “the new Zio-American political ploy aimed at changing the status quo at Aqsa Mosque,” thus Palinfo reported.

Al-Quds International Institutiom made the remarks after Israeli news reports revealed that talks were held recently in camera between officials from Saudi Arabia, Israel and the US administration to pressure Jordan (the Hashemite custodian of the Muslim and Christian holy sites in Occupied Jerusalem) to give Riyadh a role in administering the Aqsa Mosque as part of US president Donald Trump’s pro-Israel peace plan — widely known as the deal of the century — and in an attempt to end Turkey’s noted support for the Mosque and Jerusalem.

“The Jordanian role in administering the Aqsa Mosque and the Islamic and Christian holy sites is a responsibility that was established by historical facts and enjoys international and popular legitimacy,” the Palestinian organization said.

“Protecting it (the Jordanian role) entails not allowing any Zionist role because such step would give a foothold to the Zionists, who are the greatest danger, and undermines the popular legitimacy of the Jordanian role at the Aqsa Mosque because Jordan is the most important supporter and protector [of the holy site] that must be preserved and referred to for help in difficult times,” the organization added.

It urged Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the other Arab and Islamic countries to necessarily strengthen Jordan’s historic role at the Aqsa Mosque and support its Islamic Awqaf authority in Jerusalem.

It also asked them to cooperate with each other to spare Jerusalem any emerging differences and forestall any Israeli attempt to fish in troubled waters and target the Aqsa Mosque. (T/R/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)