By: Rifa Berliana Arifin, Editor of MINA News Agency
Hidayah is guidance and guidance from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala to humans. It is like the light that Allah gives to His servants whom He wants.
Imaam al-Ghazali’s words about guidance “نور قذفه الله” which means the light that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala throws at His servants, even though it is Allah’s prerogative, but a servant is required to always ask and seek the guidance of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala. A believer can get guidance if he tries to get it. It is the same as Ridho, Grace and Forgiveness of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala.
Therefore, there are at least five things that we need to strive for to achieve the guidance of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala in this glorious month of Ramadan.
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First, increase repentance. Often times we as humans make mistakes and make mistakes, both consciously and unconsciously.
From Abu Hurairah RA said, he heard Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam say: “By Allah. Really I always istighfar (ask forgiveness of Allah) and repent to Allah in a day more than 70 times. ” (Narrated by Bukhari).
In another hadith, the Prophet sallallaahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam said, “O all human beings repent to Allah because I always repent to Him in a day 100 times. ” (Reported by Muslim).
Such is the istighfar of Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam as a human being who has been forgiven for every sin during his life, so we really have to pray thousands or even millions of times to Allah because we are full of piles of sins committed day and night, as explained in a Qudsi hadith. “O my servants, verily you sin during the day and night, and I forgive all of those sins, so ask for forgiveness of Me, I will surely forgive you.” (Reported by Muslim).
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Maghfirah is really very broad and very close as long as we get closer to Him by carrying out all orders and avoiding His every prohibition.
Second, Demanding Knowledge (Studying Religion) Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala said “Allah will raise the rank of those who believe from all of you, and those who are given knowledge,” (Q. S Al-Mujadalah: 11).
Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam said, “Whoever takes the path to seek knowledge, Allah will make it easy for him between the paths to heaven. In fact, angels lay their wings as a sign of approval for the prosecutor of knowledge. Indeed, every person who is knowledgeable is asked for forgiveness by every inhabitant of heaven and earth, even the fish that are in the water.
In fact, the virtue of a knowledgeable person over a worshiper is like the comparison of the moon at night to other stars. In fact, scholars are the heirs of the Prophets. Indeed, the Prophet did not inherit the dinar nor the dirham. Whoever bequeaths knowledge, then indeed he has got a great fortune. ” (Narrated by Abu Daud no. 3641).
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From the above verses and hadiths, we can conclude that studying is a virtue for Muslims. We as His people are encouraged to seek knowledge, especially religious knowledge, so that it is always blessed and blessed by Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala.
There are many rewards for studying knowledge that can be obtained during the month of Ramadan, including getting rewards that are multiplied, elevated, being a person who fears Allah, the path to heaven, obtains the glory of the world of the hereafter, is a charity, enlivens the heart and finally becomes a happy person.
In life, knowledge is one of the most important things, such is the importance of knowledge for humans, especially Muslims, that a person is not happy if he is called ignorant or stupid. Science can make a person noble and respected. Ali bin Abi Talib said, someone who has enough knowledge will feel glorified while those who do not have knowledge and do not know anything will feel despicable and this will make someone feel stupid.
In Arabic, the word science itself means knowing and is the opposite of the word jahlu which means ignorance. Meanwhile, according to the term, knowledge or more importantly here is the science of syar’i is the knowledge of explanations and instructions that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala sent down to His Messenger or in other words knowledge concerning the Qur’an and Al- Hadith.
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However, this does not mean that other knowledge is not important or not considered in Islam. The sciences that exist in human life can be useful if this knowledge guides people to be more obedient and have faith in Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala. Knowledge will make a person know various kinds of things and keep him from ignorance as mentioned in the following word of Allah:
“And do not follow what you have no knowledge of. Verily hearing, sight and heart, they will all be held accountable”. (QS: Al Isra ‘: 36)
Third, Taqwa, all worship is to increase piety. And the month of Ramadan is the perfect time to reach that degree of piety. It is as said by Allah, “O you who believe, it is obligatory for you to fast as it was required of those before you so that you may be cautious.” (Surah Al Baqarah: 183).
The verse above shows that among the wisdoms of fasting is so that a servant can reach the degree of piety. And fasting is the cause of attaining this glorious degree. Therefore, as a Muslim, don’t waste this great opportunity in this month of Ramadan. Why? Because in fasting, a person will carry out Allah’s commands and stay away from His every prohibition. And this is what is meant by piety.
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We can see the form of piety in fasting in the following ways. First, a person who fasts will abandon every prohibition, including eating, drinking, chanting ‘with his wife during the day and so on. In other months of Ramadan, what is forbidden is not prohibition. So that Muslims are really tested to carry out orders and stay away from prohibitions.
Second, a person who is fasting is actually able to enjoy the worldly pleasures that exist. But he knew that God was always watching Him. This is also a form of piety, which is to feel that Allah is always being watched over by God. Third, when fasting, everyone will be enthusiastic about doing obedience deeds.
Fourth, the Tadabur of the Quran, the position of the Quran is so clear, but there are still many of us who leave it. Never read it let alone contemplate and devote to it.
This phenomenon appears in the lives of Muslims in general, except in the month of Ramadan. We see a lot of Muslims who practice the Al-Qur`an this month. This is one thing to be proud of, but it is a shame to just reading without any changes in him. There is no difference before and after. They do not understand the slightest what they read.
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Actually, there is nothing more beneficial in the life of the world and the hereafter a servant and closer to the happiness and salvation of the Qur’anic tadabbur and contemplating the contents of his womb. A person who reads the al-Qur`an with tadabbur will see the good and bad as well as the fate of the perpetrators, as he saw the sinking of the prophet Noah alaihissalam, knew the lightning strike against the people of ‘Ad and Thamud, understood the sinking of Pharaoh and the buried Qarun and his wealth. .
With this tadabbur al-Qur`an a Muslim lives with the afterlife as if he were there and lost from the world until it was as if he had left him. Until finally they get a heart as described in the word of Allah “Surely those who believe are those who when called the name of Allah tremble their hearts, and when recited His verses increase their faith (therefore), and only in God they put their trust”. (Surah Al-Anfaal: 2)
Let us get closer to the Quran by reading it and chanting, hopefully in this month of Ramadan, the month of Al-Qur`an we can achieve it.
Fifth, performing prayers, Tarawih prayer is one of the sunnah prayers which is only held during the month of Ramadan. Unlike some other sunna prayers which can be held every day of the year, this tarawih prayer does have its own virtues.
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Tarawih prayer has several virtues. First, Muslims who do it will be forgiven for past sins. Second, tarawih prayer is the sunnah prayer which was also performed by the Prophet Muhammad during his lifetime. Third, those who perform tarawih prayers in congregation will receive a reward like praying all night long. Fourth, tarawih prayer performed on the night of lailatul qadar will make the perpetrator’s sins forgiven by Allah.
It is reported that the Messenger of Allah said, “Whoever worship (tarawih) in the month of Ramadan while believing and sincere, then his past sins are forgiven,” (Narrated by al-Bukhari, Muslim, and others).
Narrated by Abu Dhar, the Prophet said, “Whoever prays with the Imam until he is finished, then it is written for him the reward of qiyam one full night.” (H.R. Ahmad, Tirmidhi).
May Allah Subhanahu Watalla give us His guidance in the month of Ramadan which is full of mercy and mercy. Aamiin ya Rabbal Alamin. (T/RE1)
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Miraj News Agency (MINA)