Banda Aceh, MINA – After receiving protests from various parties regarding the elimination of the mobile takbir parade, the Aceh Islamic Sharia Service finally announced that the takbir parade welcoming Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijriah would still be held on the eve of the holiday.
“We will not replace it with the Takbiran Festival at the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque as a response to fulfilling the aspirations of the community,” said Head of UPTD Baiturrahman Grand Mosque, Saifan Nur in Banda Aceh on Sunday.
Saifan said the mobile takbir parade started after Isha prayers until 00.00 WIB. The release of the participants was planned by Acting Governor of Aceh Bustami Hamzah.
To increase public enthusiasm, Saifan said the Aceh Government provided participation funds of IDR 1 million for the first 21 groups to register.
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Prizes and trophies are also prepared for the champions, with prize amounts varying from IDR 2 million to IDR 9 million.
“To date, 15 groups have registered through the Indonesian Mosque Youth Communication Agency (BKPRMI) in Aceh,” he said.
The traveling takbir parade route is centered in front of the main tower of the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque. Then, participants walked to Simpang Kodim, Simpang Surabaya, Simpang Jambo Tape, and to Simpang Lima. The roving takbir parade on foot stopped at Jalan Mohd. Clock next to the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque.
Saifan appealed to the residents of Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar to participate in this mobile takbir parade, either by float or on foot. Registration can be done via the numbers 082230181966 and 085260074618.
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“We also invite the residents of Banda Aceh and its surroundings to take part in enlivening this traveling takbir parade, as a form of gratitude and celebration to welcome Victory Day,” said Saifan Nur. (T/RE1/P2)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)
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